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Navigating a New Political Landscape: View real-time updates about the impact of and Northeastern's response to recent political changes.

CSSH offers 17 majors, 40+ minors, 9 doctoral degree programs, 13 Master’s degree programs, and 10 graduate certificates.

Your academic journey will be shaped by your discoveries here. It will integrate many topics and disciplines. As an undergrad, our programs are flexible enough to allow you to pursue a double major, a major and a minor, a combined major, or an independent major in cases where interests and goals aren’t met by existing majors. At the graduate level, our programs and certificates cover a wide variety of fields, with the flexibility to build your own path. You can find all our programs in the undergraduate and graduate catalogs.    

To declare a minor in the College of Social Sciences and Humanities, see this page.

Other options

  1. Combined majors

    Merge two majors together, link concepts across disciplines, or link concepts across colleges at the university.

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  2. PlusOne Programs

    Sequential or combined bachelor & master’s programs, where you can apply undergraduate credits to your graduate degree, or get an accelerated masters degree.

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  3. PlusJD Program

    Previously the 3+3 Program. Invitation only. Earn a bachelor’s and a juris doctor degree in six years, as part of a collaboration between CSSH and Northeastern’s School of Law.

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Student Paths