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For the most up-to-date and comprehensive course schedule, including meeting times, course additions, cancellations, and room assignments, refer to the Banner Class Schedule on the Registrar’s website. For curriculum information, see the Undergraduate Full-Time Day Programs catalog.

Africana Studies Courses

Instructor: Natalie Shibley

CRN: 36031

Days, Time: MR 11:45 – 1:25 PM


Examines the basic tenets of “scientific objectivity” and foundational scientific ideas about race, sex, and gender and what these have meant for marginalized groups in society, particularly when they seek medical care. Introduces feminist science theories ranging from linguistic metaphors of the immune system, to the medicalization of race, to critiques of the sexual binary. Emphasizes contemporary as well as historical moments to trace the evolution of “scientific truth” and its impact on the U.S. cultural landscape. Offers students an opportunity to develop the skills to critically question what they “know” about science and the scientific process and revisit their disciplinary training as a site for critical analysis. Cross-listed with HIST 1225 and WMNS 1225.

Instructor: Kabria Baumgartner

CRN: 38092

Days, Time: T 11:45 – 1:25 PM; R 2:50 – 4:30 PM


Delves into the fascinating stories of African Americans who have called New England home, from the seventeenth century up to the present. Discusses themes such as freedom and slavery, migration, and civil rights. Introduces an interdisciplinary framework for understanding Black identity formation, activism, and cultural as well as intellectual traditions amid the long struggle for justice.

Instructor: Matthew Lee

CRN: 35154

Days, Time: MR 11:45 – 1:25 PM


Examines racism, racial identity, and theories of social change and racial empowerment primarily
within the U.S. context. Highlights different ways in which racism and racial privilege have been experienced by different racial communities, more specifically at the micro-, meso-, and macro-levels. Offers students an opportunity to learn ways to promote racial empowerment and equity. Using theory from primarily psychology and sociology, the course investigates the impact of social systems and institutions on individual-level and group experiences of racism. Investigates students’ own racial identities, a deeper understanding of institutional inequalities and intersectionality, and practical skills in leadership and community building that can promote positive social change and racial equality. This course is cross-listed with HUSV and SOCL 2325.

Instructor: Margaret Burnham

CRN: 38093

Days, Time: TF 3:25pm-5:05pm


Explores the various questions, relationships, and connections between the law and racial issues and concepts. Each offering focuses on a special topic such as reparations, civil rights, gender, or the environment and energy policies. May be repeated up to three times for a maximum of 16 credits.

Instructor: Richard Wamai

CRN: 32502

Days, Time: TF 1:35pm-3:15pm


This course introduces global health in the context of an interdependent and globalized world focusing on four main areas of analysis: infrastructure of global health; diseases; populations; and terms, concepts and theories. While our focus is on lower-income countries, the course examines issues in a broader global context underscoring the interconnections between global health disparities and global health policy response. Case studies describing interventions to improve healthcare in resource-poor settings in sub-Saharan Africa and elsewhere are applied to help illuminate the actors, diseases, populations and principles and frameworks for the design of effective global health interventions.

Instructor: Annakay Wright

CRN: 38094

Days, Time: MW 2:50 – 4:30 PM


This class provides an introduction to Black feminisms through the lens of literature, criticism, and popular culture. With intersectionality as our guiding theoretical framework, we will consider the origins, development, and practice of Black feminisms in multiple contexts. Through our readings and discussions, we will explore the dimensions and the contours of Black feminist inquiry. Throughout the semester we will read various fiction and nonfiction works by Black women writers to provide definitions of Black feminism, and to explore how the intersections of race, class, gender, and sexuality figure in literary works.

Courses by Requirement

  • AFAM 1125 – Gender, Race and Medicine
  • AFAM 2318 – New England Stories: Storytelling and the African American Experience
  • AFRS 2325 – Black Feminist Studies
  • AFAM 1225 – Gender, Race, and Medicine
  • AFAM 2355 – Race Identity Social Change Empowerment
  • AFRS 1270 – Introduction to Global Health

All courses excluding core courses