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An American journalist in Turkey

Audrey Pence took this photo on people in the streets while on co-op in Turkey.

While on co-op at the Fuller Project for International Reporting, international affairs major Audrey Pence experienced life as a freelance journalist. She learned more about the world, got an inside look at what it takes to build a nonprofit, and published a story on the front page of the CNN International website.

Audrey Pence took this photo on people in the streets while on co-op in Turkey. Contributed photo.


Ever since Audrey Pence arrived at North­eastern, she has been inter­ested in learning more about the world. One mech­a­nism she has used to get to know dif­ferent people and places is journalism.

This past spring Pence, SSH’17, an inter­na­tional affairs major, worked on co-​​op at the Fuller Project for Inter­na­tional Reporting, a non­profit news orga­ni­za­tion based in Turkey that was founded ear­lier this year. While there, Pence wrote a number of sto­ries, cov­ering issues ranging from bride kid­nap­ping to the 100th anniver­sary of the Armenian Genocide.

I went out into the streets with a Turkish co-​​worker and got quotes from people for a story on the Armenian Geno­cide, and we got that pub­lished on CNN International’s web­site,” Pence explained. “That was one I got a shared byline on, which was really exciting.”

Read the full news@Northeastern story. 

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