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Be better with reweave

North­eastern alumnus Abhi Nangia and second-​​year inter­na­tional affairs major Daniel Gara­fulic have co-​​founded reweave, a non­profit social impact net­work that con­nects pas­sionate people with social enterprises.

The nonprofit’s low­er­case name under­scores its com­mit­ment to small busi­nesses and social enter­prises, according to Nangia, and its net­work enables human­i­tar­ians to get involved in three dif­ferent ways: by giving better, doing better, or buying better. This means that you can invest in star­tups and social enter­prises; par­tic­i­pate in projects through intern­ships; or sup­port unique prod­ucts made by reweave projects, all of which, the co-​​founders say, can improve com­mu­nity life for everyone.

The ulti­mate goal is to assist under-​​funded and under-​​resourced enterprises.

“We wanted to create a plat­form that pro­vides a holistic approach to cre­ating social change,” said Nangia, who grad­u­ated this spring with a bachelor’s degree in inter­na­tional affairs and anthro­pology and a minor in global social entre­pre­neur­ship. “We’re pushing people to do every­thing in their lives better by showing them how they can sup­port social enter­prises through simple lifestyle changes.”

Nangia’s par­tic­i­pa­tion in the Social Enter­prise Institute’s Dia­logue of Civ­i­liza­tions pro­gram to Cape Town, South Africa inspired him to create reweave, and Gara­fulic sup­ported the idea from the get-​​go.

Today the reweave team com­prises more than 20 cur­rent North­eastern stu­dents and alumni, all of whom share the organization’s vision. And their num­bers are steadily increasing. “We’re starting to build an ‘army of do-​​gooders’ who will be ready to help how­ever they can,” said Nangia.

Ear­lier this month, reweave launched an IndieGogo cam­paign with a goal of raising $20,000 in seed cap­ital. Three-​​quarters of the fund will be used directly for project invest­ments and project coor­di­na­tion. The rest will be go toward web design and cre­ating the plat­form that will enable the projects to suc­cess­fully interact and sell their goods. The cam­paign runs through Friday, Aug. 16, with perks for con­trib­u­tors including a reweave sticker, Red Sox tickets, and an inter­na­tional trip with the team.

“Social enter­prises need a net­work that can help them do what they do, just better,” Nangia said, sum­ming up reweave’s mis­sion. “Our move­ment is focused on making a push to reweave community.”

— By Jordana Torres

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