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Dr. Marva Goodson and Dr. Valerie Jenness to speak at Northeastern for 2025 Schulman Distinguished Lecture Series

The David B. Schulman Distinguished Lecture Series is an annual event co-sponsored by the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, The Schulman Fund, and the College of Social Sciences and Humanities that invites prominent scholars, community practitioners, and students to discuss issues on race and justice. This year, Northeastern welcomes two speakers, Dr. Marva Goodson and Dr. Valerie Jenness, to share their lectures.

In January, Dr. Goodson will share her research on community-based correctional supervision from a network perspective in a lecture titled “The Spillover Effects of Community-Based Correctional Supervision: Network Inequality and Third-Party Control“. Community-based supervision has wide-reaching implications for individuals under correctional control and their personal social networks, and Dr. Goodson’s findings underscore how racial and economic inequalities influence opportunities for resource mobilization and resource compliance.

In a March lecture titled “Law Enforcement, Perceptions of Police as Friend or Foe, Policy Preferences, and Willingness to Report Crime and Victimization“, Dr. Jenness will discuss her work exploring perspectives in the LGBTQ+ community on police, policing related policies, and reporting of crime and victimization to the police. LGBTQ+ people experience criminal victimization at higher rates than the general population, report crime victimization to the police at lower rates than those who are not LGBTQ+, and have disproportionate contact with the criminal justice system. Professor Jenness will situate findings, including how responses vary by respondents’ sexual orientation, gender identity, race/ethnicity, and political affiliation, in the context of LGBTQ+ communities as both overpoliced and underserved by law enforcement.

The Spillover Effects of Community-Based Correctional Supervision: Network Inequality and Third-Party Control

Tuesday, January 28th, 2025

12:00 PM

Curry Student Center Room 333

Law Enforcement, Perceptions of Police as Friend or Foe, Policy Preferences, and Willingness to Report Crome and Victimization

Thursday, March 27th, 2025

5:30 PM

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