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CSSH alumna, staff member receives Fulbright award

CSSH alumna Nina Angeles receives Fulbright scholarship

Nina Angeles, SSH’15, a staff member in the Social Enterprise Institute, has received a Fulbright scholarship to study social enterprise in Jordan.

Nina Angeles, SSH’15, expe­ri­enced a rich variety of global learning oppor­tu­ni­ties in Jordan throughout her under­grad­uate studies. She first co-​​oped at the Jordan River Foun­da­tion, a com­mu­nity devel­op­ment non­govern­mental orga­ni­za­tion with a mis­sion to engage Jor­da­nians to meet their eco­nomic poten­tial, in 2012. She returned to Amman, Jordan, in the summer of 2014 for a research project and began her senior year studying abroad to learn Arabic while also run­ning an Eng­lish lan­guage pro­gram for young Pales­tinian refugees.

In Sep­tember, she will return to Jordan for a third time—thanks to her recently awarded Ful­bright schol­ar­ship. For her Ful­bright research, Angeles plans to leverage her back­ground in inter­na­tional affairs and human services—her com­bined major at Northeastern—as well as the knowl­edge of social enter­prise she gained from working with microbusi­nesses in South African town­ships, an oppor­tu­nity made pos­sible by the university’s Social Enter­prise Insti­tute. Her work will explore the impact of social enter­prise on Jordan’s state­less Gaza refugees by exam­ining how their fledg­ling busi­nesses affect their ability to improve their eco­nomic standing.

Read the full story at news@Northeastern

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