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A different kind of midterm

Marvin McMoore, SSH'15, president of the College Democrats of Massachusetts, and Megan Haas, AMD'17, president of the Massachusetts Alliance of College Republicans

Col­lege stu­dents at North­eastern and across the country still have time to pre­pare for an impor­tant midterm sched­uled for Tuesday, say the leaders of Northeastern’s col­lege Democ­rats and Repub­li­cans stu­dent orga­ni­za­tions. But it’s not in a class­room. It’s in a voting booth.

Elec­tion Day on Nov. 4 will be the first chance for many North­eastern stu­dents to exer­cise their right to vote. And Marvin McMoore, SSH’15, of the North­eastern Uni­ver­sity Col­lege Democ­rats, and Megan Haas, AMD’17, of the North­eastern Uni­ver­sity Col­lege Repub­li­cans, are working to make sure stu­dents take advan­tage of that opportunity.

A huge part of why stu­dents say they don’t vote is because they don’t trust pol­i­tics,” said Haas, a jour­nalism and mar­keting dual major. “It’s sad they don’t want to par­tic­i­pate in elec­tions because they don’t trust it, but if they want to trust it they have to vote.”

On Tuesday, Mass­a­chu­setts voters will select their next gov­ernor, lieu­tenant gov­ernor, and attorney gen­eral, and respond to four ballot ques­tions on issues including the casino law and bev­erage con­tainer deposits.

Haas and McMoore’s duties for cam­paigning and get­ting out the stu­dent vote extend well beyond the North­eastern campus: Both were elected this year to serve as pres­i­dent of their respec­tive party’s state col­le­giate chapter.

Obvi­ously we have the cam­paigns this year and it is an exciting time for us to be pres­i­dents,” said McMoore, a polit­ical sci­ence major. “But more impor­tantly, we have to coor­di­nate all of the chap­ters across the state and work on issues advocacy.”

Hass and McMoore have been on the cam­paign trail in recent days pushing for their party’s can­di­dates in the statewide races. Last week McMoore trav­eled to sev­eral col­lege cam­puses where he and U.S. Rep. Joseph Kennedy III, the first-​​term Demo­crat from Brook­line, dis­cussed the issues with stu­dents. Haas, for her part, orga­nized a door-​​to-​​door can­vass on Cape Cod where chapter mem­bers knocked on 2,000 doors.

You really learn about your pas­sion for it,” Haas said of being a statewide leader. “If I wasn’t pas­sionate about this I would have been gone within the first week.”

On campus both groups have worked tire­lessly to help stu­dents reg­ister to vote and boost their excite­ment to vote through social media blasts and campus visits from the likes of Gov. Deval Patrick.

We’ve been telling all col­lege Democ­rats not only to vote, but also to tell their room­mates, their friends, and their grumpy uncle to vote,” McMoore said. “And also to knock on doors and get on the phones to get people in the com­mu­nity out to vote.”

Haas and McMoore noted a few of the issues they say stu­dents should keep in mind when they cast their bal­lots on Tuesday. Haas said they should focus on col­lege financing and job cre­ation, with an eye toward employ­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties after grad­u­ating. McMoore said that he reg­u­larly reminds poten­tial voters of the progress made in Mass­a­chu­setts during Patrick’s tenure and the need to con­tinue growing in regard to energy effi­ciency, stu­dent achieve­ment, and equality.

Both stu­dents hope to work together in the coming months to tackle issues affecting col­lege stu­dents across the state. But that’ll have to wait until after Elec­tion Day. On Tuesday, McMoore and Haas said they plan on attending a vic­tory party for their party’s can­di­date for governor.

Not sure where to vote? Click here to find your polling location.

-By Joe O’Connell

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