Explore the cutting-edge research and scholarly contributions of our faculty as we proudly present a diverse array of recent publications, showcasing our department's commitment to advancing knowledge and fostering intellectual excellence.
2024 Publications
Trade-offs? The Impact of WTO Accession on Intimate Partner Violence in Cambodia
by Bilge Erten and Pinar Keskin
The Review of Economics and Statistics (2024) 106 (2): 322–333.
Link to paper
Women’s Participation in the Arab Spring Protests and the Prevalence of Domestic Violence: Evidence From Egypt
Tomer Stern & Bilge Erten
Feminist Economics, 1–33. https://doi.org/10.1080/13545701.2024.2408001
An Indian Enigma? Labour market impacts of the world’s largest livelihoods program
by Ashwini Deshpande, Shantanu Khanna & Daksh Walia
Journal of Population Economics 2024, Volume 37, article number 64
Inherently Stable Cartels: Economics and Policy
by John Kwoka
University of Baltimore Law Review: Vol. 53: Iss. 1, Article 9.
Available at: https://scholarworks.law.ubalt.edu/ublr/vol53/iss1/9/
The Effects of the Great Depression on Children’s Intergenerational Mobility” (2024)
by Shariq Mohammed, Martha Bailey, Peter Lin, and Alexa Prettyman
RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, January 2024, 10 (1) 32-56.
“Black Economic Progress in the Jim Crow South: Evidence from Rosenwald Schools”
by Shariq Mohammed, Paul Mohnen
forthcoming, The Journal of Economic History
Government shutdown and SNAP disbursements: effects on household expenditures
by Associate Professor Mindy Marks, Professor Silvia Prina, and PhD candidate Roy Gernhardt
Review of Economics of the Household
Link to published paper
Marks, M., Prina, S. & Gernhardt, R. Government shutdown and SNAP disbursements: effects on household expenditures. Rev Econ Household (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11150-024-09719-4
Short-term labor supply response to the timing of transfer payments
by Mindy Marks, Silvia Prina and Redina Tahaj
Labour Economics, December 2024
Can destigmatizing mental health increase willingness to seek help? Experimental evidence from Nepal
by Lindsey Lacey, , Priya Mukherjee, Nikhilesh Prakash, Nishith Prakash, Diane Quinn, Shwetlena Sabarwal, Deepak Saraswat
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, September 2024
When Criminality Begets Crime: The Role of Elected Politicians in India
by Nishith Prakash, Soham Sahoo, Deepak Saraswat
and Reetika Sindhi
forthcoming, Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization
Transitory income changes and consumption smoothing: Evidence from Mexico
Manuela Angelucci, Carlos Chiapa , Silvia Prina, Irvin Rojas
Journal of Public Economics Volume 230, February 2024
Passing the Message: Peer Outreach about COVID-19 Precautions in Zambia
by Alfredo Burlando, Pradeep Chintagunta, Jessica Goldberg, Melissa Graboyes, Peter Hangoma, Dean Karlan, Mario Macis & Silvia Prina
Journal of Development Economics, Volume 171, 2024,
ISSN 0304-3878,
Sustainability: A Business Case for Adoption
Chapter in Sustainability in Business Education, Research and Practices
by Madhavi Venkatesan, Khadija Elsewedy, Shruti Vummadising & Brandon Gunasti
Part of the book series: World Sustainability Series ((WSUSE))
2023 Publications:
Thomas Barnay and François-Olivier Baudot’s paper Work Accident Effect on the Use of Psychotropic Drugs: The Case of Benzodiazepines was published in Health Economics Review, Volume 13, Article Number 48 (2023).
In the September issue of LABOUR, Thomas Barnay and Éric Defebvre‘s paper “Work strains and disabilities in French workers: A career-long retrospective study” was published.
Thomas Barnay, Visiting Professor in Economics, and Éric Defebvre of Sorbonne University have published an issue brief, “The First COVID Wave: Comparing Experiences of Adults Age 50 and Older in the U.S. and Europe” in The Commonwealth Fund in April 2023.
The Gendered Effects of Globalization: Recent Evidence from Developing Countries by Bilge Erten and Jessica Leight
Journal of Globalization and Development, Volume 14 Issue 2, December 2023
Syrian Refugee Inflows, Health Care Access, and Childhood Vaccination in Turkey by Bilge Erten, Pinar Keskin, Miray Omurtak, Ilhan Can Ozen, and Yusuf Emre Akgündüz
World Bank Economic Review, 2023, 37 (1): 127–146.
Combining rules and discretion in economic development policy: Evidence on the impacts of the California Competes Tax Credit
by Matthew Freedman, Shantanu Khanna, David Neumark
The Journal of Public Economics, January 2023
Link to paper
“The Impacts of Opportunity Zones on Zone Residents”
by Matthew Freedman, Shantanu Khanna, David Neumark
Journal of Urban Economics: Insights, 2023
“ANTITRUST ECONOMICS AT A TIME OF UPHEAVAL: Recent Competition Policy Cases on Two Continents” by Northeastern University’s John Kwoka (Finnegan Professor of Economics), Professor Tommaso M. Valletti (Imperial College London) and Professor Lawrence J. White (New York University) has been published by Competition Policy International.
Closing the Gap in Merger Enforcement
John Kwoka
ProMarket, June 22, 2023
Identifying exchange rate effects and spillovers of US monetary policy shocks in the presence of time-varying instrument relevance
Wenting Liao, Jun Ma, Chengsi Zhang
Journal of Applied Econometrics
First published: 09 July 2023 https://doi.org/10.1002/jae.2998
International Housing Markets and the U.S. Subprime Crisis, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking
First published: 07 February 2023
Is there a national housing market bubble brewing in the United States?
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 13 January 2023
Rangan Gupta, Jun Ma, Konstantinos Theodoridis and Mark E. Wohar
The Creation of LIFE-M: The Longitudinal, Intergenerational, Family Electronic Micro-Database Project.” (2023). (Shariq Mohammed, Martha Bailey, Peter Lin, Paul Mohnen, Jared Murray, Mengying Zhang, and Alexa Prettyman) Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History. 56 (3): 138-159.
“Perception and Reality of Sustainable Urban Development in India.” Shariq Mohammed (2023). Sustainability and Climate Change. 16(4), 262-267.
School’s Out: How Summer Youth Employment Programs Impact Academic Outcomes
Alicia Sasser Modestino, and Richard Paulsen
Education Finance and Policy (2023) 18 (1): 97–126.
Small business lending and the bank-branch network
by Ivan Petkov
Journal of Financial Stability
Volume 64, February 2023, 101097
With novel data of within county lending, this paper is the first to confirm that exposure to oil and residential booms impacts supply of credit to small businesses in other markets.
“Can a mobile-app-based behavioral intervention teach financial skills to youth? Experimental evidence from a financial diaries study”
Veronica Frisancho, Alejandro Herrera, Silvia Prina
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Volume 214, October 2023, Pages 595-614
“C-Sections, Obesity, and Healthcare Specialization: Evidence from Mexico”
Catalina Herrera-Almanza, Fernanda Marquez-Padilla, Silvia Prina
The World Bank Economic Review, https://doi.org/10.1093/wber/lhad022
Published: 01 September 2023
“The Interplay Among Savings Accounts and Network-Based Financial Arrangements: Evidence from a Field Experiment”
Margherita Comola, Silvia Prina
The Economic Journal, Volume 133, Issue 649, January 2023, Pages 516–535
Endogenous Driving Behavior in Tests of Racial Profiling
by Jesse J. Kalinowski, Matthew B. Ross and Stephen L. Ross.
J. Human Resources, January 9, 2023 0822- 12513R1
Huifeng Yu & Gerald Marschke & Matthew B. Ross & Joseph Staudt & Bruce A. Weinberg, 2023. “Publish or Perish: Selective Attrition as a Unifying Explanation for Patterns in Innovation over the Career,” 2023
Journal of Human Resources, University of Wisconsin Press, vol. 58(4), pages 1307-1346.
“Socially Responsible Consumption and Marketing in Practice” by Madhavi Venkatesan and Martina Yorde Rincon (BS Economics/Business 2023) has been published as a chapter in the recently published book, Dealing with Socially Responsible Consumers – Studies in Marketing
by Madhavi Venkatesan, Martina Yorde Rincon, Kathleen Grevers, Shannon M. Welch & Elizabeth L. Cline
Contemporary Justice Review published a special issue on bell hooks. Two papers by Dr. Madhavi Venkatesan and students in her Economics of Crime class were featured.
–Designing engagement: A student-based perspective of the Economics of Crime.
Authors: Madhavi Venkatesan, Noah Alper, Alexis Baker, Stephen Bernard, Paolo Lichtenthal, Katherine Murphy, Jacklyn Peterson, Rayana Radueva, Anthea Simon.
This paper, developed by participants in an Economics of Crime course at Northeastern University in conjunction with their professor, Dr. Madhavi Venkatesan, highlights student perspectives of the relationship between the economic system, its operations and institutions, and the marginalization and victimization of Black people.
Link to abstract
–Addressing race in economics: Teaching to transgress by Madhavi Venkatesan and 4 NU Department of Economics undergraduates.
Authors: Madhavi Venkatesan, Wenchunyan Liang, Emre Muftu,
Ira Sharma, Darlene Rumenser
Link to abstract
PDF of paper
In the 2023 book Educating the Sustainability Leaders of the Future, a chapter by Madhavi Venkatesan and students from Sustainable U. Productions (Radhika Barot, Amani Chinni, Adam Regenstrief, Priyasha Singh, Julia Sucov, and John Sun) was published. The paper, “Documentary Film and Institutional Behavior Change: A Student-Driven Mobilization for Sustainability” describes the importance of film to address sustainability issues. The authors tell the story of producing their own documentary, Plastic Linings. The film addresses the issue of convenience waste from the perspective of the cost of convenience.
Link to paper
Dr. Madhavi Venkatesan’s paper Aligning Economic Measurement with Well-Being: Sustainability has been published in The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Change.
Multi-Objective Q-Learning-Based Brain Storm Optimization for Integrated Distributed Flow Shop and Distribution Scheduling Problems
by Shuo Zhang, Jianyou Xu and Yingli Qiao
Mathematics 2023, 11(20), 4306; https://doi.org/10.3390/math11204306
Published: 16 October 2023
2022 Publications:
~ A Two-Step Frailty Assessment Strategy in Older Patients with Solid Tumors: A Decision Curve Analysis
by Adolfo González Serrano , MD, MSc; Marie Laurent, MD, PhD; Thomas Barnay , PhD; Claudia Martínez-Tapia, PhD; Etienne Audureau, MD, PhD; Pascaline Boudou-Rouquette, MD; Thomas Aparicio, MD, PhD; Florence Rollot-Trad , MD; Pierre Soubeyran , MD, PhD; Carine Bellera, PhD; Philippe Caillet, MD; Elena Paillaud , MD, PhD and Florence Canouï-Poitrine , MD, PhD
Journal of Clinical Oncology, October 2022
~ Intertemporal Price Discrimination in Sequential Quantity-Price Games
by James D. Dana and Kevin R. Williams
Marketing Science Vol. 41, No. 5, September–October 2022, pp. 966–981
~ Social Distancing, Stimulus Payments, and Domestic Violence: Evidence from the US during COVID-19
by Bilge Erten, Pinar Keskin and Silvia Prina
American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings, May 2022, 112: 262-266
~ Mental Health Costs of Lockdowns: Evidence from Age-specific Curfews in Turkey
by Bilge Erten, Onur Altindag, and Pinar Keskin
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2022, 14 (2): 320–343.
~ Does Knowledge Empower? Education, Legal Awareness and Intimate Partner Violence
by Bilge Erten and Pinar Keskin
Feminist Economics, May 2022
~ Syrian Refugee Inflows, Health Care Access, and Childhood Vaccination in Turkey
by Bilge, Erten, Pinar Keskin, Miray Omurtak and Ilhan Can Ozen
~ Effect of universal HIV testing and treatment on socioeconomic well-being in rural Kenya and Uganda: a cluster-randomized controlled trial
by Jakubowski A, Kabami J, Balzer, Ayieko J, Charlebois E, Owaraganise A, Marquez C, Clark TD, Black D, Shade SB, Chamie G, Cohen C, Bukusi E, Kamya M, Petersen M, Havlir D, Thirumurthy T.
The Lancet Global Health. 2022.
~ What’s in a Job? Evaluating the Effect of Private Sector Employment Experience on Student Academic Outcomes
by Alicia Sasser Modestino, Urbashee Paul, and Joseph McLaughlin
American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings, May 2022, 112: 126-130
~ School’s Out: How Summer Youth Employment Programs Impact Academic Outcomes
by Alicia Sasser Modestino, and Richard Paulsen
Education Finance and Policy, January 2022 1–54.
~ Weather Shocks, Population, and Housing Prices: the Role of Expectation Revisions
by Ivan Petkov
Economics of Disasters and Climate Change, Volume 6, Issue 2, July 2022
~ Public Investment in Hazard Mitigation: Effectiveness and the Role of Community Diversity
by Ivan Petkov
Economics of Disasters and Climate Change (2022)
Published: 18 November 2022
~ The Interplay Among Savings Accounts and Network-Based Financial Arrangements: Evidence from a Field Experiment
by Silvia Prina and Margherita Comola
The Economic Journal, September 2022
~ Digitization, Prediction, and Market Efficiency: Evidence from Book Publishing Deals
by Christian Peukert and Imke Reimers
Link to paper
Management Science, published online, January 2022
-“Does Amazon Exercise its Market Power? Evidence from Toys R Us” by Imke Reimers, Leshui He and Benjamin Shiller
The Journal of Law and Economics, Volume 65, Number 4 November 2022
~ Women are Credited Less in Science than Their Male Counterparts
by Matthew B. Ross, Britta M. Glennon, Raviv Murciano-Goroff, Enrico G. Berkes, Bruce A. Weinberg & Julia I. Lane
Nature volume 608, pages135–145 (2022)
by Huifeng Yu, Gerald Marschke, Matthew B. Ross, Joseph Staudt, and Bruce Weinberg
J. Human Resources 1219-10630R1; published ahead of print October 7, 2022
~ Chapter: Socially Responsible Consumption and Marketing in Practice
in Dealing with Socially Responsible Consumers: Studies in Marketing
Madhavi Venkatesan, Martina Yorde Rincon (BS Economics/Business 2023), Kathleen Grevers, Shannon M. Welch & Elizabeth L. Cline
First Online: 01 January 2023
~ Linking sustainability and spirituality: A preliminary assessment study in pursuit of a sustainable and ethically correct world
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 380, Part 2, 20 December 2022, 135091
~ Sustainable Development
Chapter in The Palgrave Handbook of Africa’s Economic Sectors
~ Transient poverty in a sustainable development context
by Walter Leal Filho, João Henrique Paulino Pires Eustachio, Maria Alzira Pimenta Dinis , Ayyoob Sharifi , Madhavi Venkatesan, Felix Kwabena Donkor, Federica Doni, Ismaila Rimi Abubakar, Katarzyna Cichos, and Jose Vargas-Hernández
Book Chapter in Products for Conscious Consumers