Publications in 2020
Bilge Erten, Anton Korinek and José Antonio Ocampo, Journal of Economic Literature
Capital Controls: Theory and Evidence
John Kwoka, The Antitrust Bulletin, August 2020
You Say You Want an Antitrust Revolution: The Paradox of Modern Merger Control
John Kwoka & Pinshuo Wang, International Journal of the Economics of Business, August 2020
Raising Rivals Costs by Customer Diversion: Evidence from Airline Baggage Fees
John Kwoka, CPI, April 20, 2020
Conduct Remedies, With 2020 Hindsight: Have We Learned Anything in the Last Decade?
John Kwoka and Tommaso Valletti, forthcoming in Industrial and Corporate Change on Regulating Platforms and Ecosystems
“Scrambled Eggs and Paralyzed Policy: Breaking Up Consummated Mergers and Dominant Firms”‘
Jun Ma, Pavel Kapinos and N. Kundan Kishor, Journal of Banking and Finance
Dynamic Comovement Among Banks, Systemic Risk, and the Macroeconomy
Alicia Sasser Modestino, Daniel Shoag and Joshua Ballance, Review of Economics and Statistics
Upskilling: Do Employers Demand Greater Skill When Workers Are Plentiful? Accepted, Review of Economics and Statistics
Richard Paulsen (PhD 2019), Neil Alper and Gregory Wassall
Arts majors as entrepreneurs and innovators
Ivan Petkov, Scott L. Fulford, & Fabio Schiantarelli, JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC GROWTH, August 2020
Does it matter where you came from?
Silvia Prina and Margherita Comola, Review of Economics and Statistics
Treatment Effect Accounting for Network Changes
Silvia Prina, Mariana Carrera and Ayesha Hasan, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2020, 172: 236-246.
Tailored Health Information and Eating Behavior: Effects of a Health Risk Assessment on Employees with Different Ex-Ante Awareness of their Health Risks with Mariana Carrera and Ayesha Hasan, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2020, 172: 236-246.
Silvia Prina, Jenny Aker, and Jamilah Welch, American Economic Review, Papers & Proceedings, 2020, 110: 589-93.
Migration, Money Transfers and Mobile Money: Evidence from Niger
Silvia Prina, Manuela Angelucci, Heather Royer, and Anya Savikhin, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2019, 11(4): 66-95.
When Incentives Backfire: Spillover Effects in Food Choice
Imke Reimers and Benjamin R. Shiller,, Journal of Law and Economics
The Impacts of Telematics on Competition and Consumer Behavior in Insurance
Madhavi Venkatesan, Jon D. Erickson, and Christine Carmichael
The Rationale and Principles for Engagement in an Ecological Economy. In Costanza, R., Erickson, J., Farley, J., Kubisewski, I. (Eds.), Sustainable Wellbeing Futures: A Research and Action Agenda for Ecological Economics, 300-314. London, England: Edgar Elvers.
Madhavi Venkatesan
Teaching introductory economics to promote sustainability. New Directions in Teaching and Learning, 2020(161), 53-71.
Madhavi Venkatesan
Introduction: Selected Papers from the 4th, World Conference on Women’s Studies, Colombo, Sri Lanka, May 2018. Journal of International Women’s Studies, 20(3), 1-2. (Special Issue Editor)
Madhavi Venkatesan
Descriptive statistics, context, and the questionable contribution of regression: An evaluation of occupation and settlement patterns of initial black college graduates, Fisk University, 1875–1920. SAGE Research Methods Cases.
Madhavi Venkatesan and Julia Crooijmans
Involving students in implementing a campus culture of sustainability. In Leal Filho, W. Bardi, U. (Eds.) Sustainability in University Campuses: Learning, skills building, and best practice. Berlin: Springer.
Madhavi Venkatesan
The evolution of social values: A historical perspective of the role of sustainability in the practice of Economics. In Walter Leal Filho and Adriana Consorte McCrea (Eds.), Sustainability and the Humanities. London, England: Springer Nature.