Doctoral Candidate Nicole Infanta Keller will be a participating Fellow in Bentley University’s 2017-2018 Humanities Research Seminar. The seminar is organized by the Jeanne and Dan Valente Center for the Arts & Sciences, with the support of a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. The theme of the seminar is “A Collective Understanding or a Disparate Idea? A Transdisciplinary Investigation of Evidence and Its Utilization,” is closely aligned with the subject of Keller’s dissertation, “Making Her Case: Gendered Evidence and Women’s Astronomical Writing of the Long Eighteenth Century.” This project focuses on gendered evidence within published writings, including translated works, articles published in Philosophical Transactions, and educational texts, of women from the seventeenth through nineteenth centuries, namely Aphra Behn, Caroline Herschel, Margaret Bryan, and Mary Somerville.
Photo credit: Syd Bauman