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Marina Leslie Announces Retirement After 30 Years of Service

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headshot of marina leslie

We convey the following message with a mix of happiness for Marina and Hugh and sadness for the loss to our department, college, and university:

After thirty years in the Department of English at Northeastern, Professor Marina Leslie is taking retirement as of 1 July 2020. As a member (and, often, chair) of every committee the department has ever devised and a stalwart contributor to department events, she brought a generous and helpfully skeptical sensibility to every discussion. In her ten years as Head Advisor, she mentored hundreds of students and ushered in substantial structural changes to the advising system. She is a beloved and creative teacher who has attracted a loyal following of students, and made significant contributions to the undergraduate curriculum, perhaps most notably to the departmental focus on archival studies.  As co-chair for almost 25 years of the Women and Culture in the Early Modern World Seminar at the Mahindra Humanities Center at Harvard University, Marina was at the heart of an intellectual community that fostered the work of several generations of early modern scholars. Her most recent publication, “Representing Anne Green: Historical and Literary Form and the Scenes of the Crime in Oxford, 1651,” is drawn from her book in progress. Provisionally entitled “Begetting Crimes,” it is a study of the criminalization of female productive and reproductive labor in 17th-c. English print culture. Marina’s husband, Hugh Baxter, is also retiring from his position as Professor of Law and Professor of Philosophy at Boston University—we wish them both the best of the examined life at their leisure!

If you would like to contact Marina, you can send her an email at

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