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Genny Barco-Medina (PhD ’24) Wins an Emerging Scholars Award

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headshot of Genny. She is wearing a yellow dress, earrings, and a necklace and smiling.

Genny Barco-Medina (PhD ’24) has been selected by the Coalition for Community Writing and the Latinx Caucus for a CCW Emerging Scholars Award. This highly competitive award recognizes BIPOC community-engaged graduate students and those in their first five years as faculty members. From the award’s website:

“The Coalition for Community Writing actively works for antiracism and decoloniality in the academic fields, the community and government organizations, and the home communities of our members. Too often community-engaged scholars’ work is delegitimized or ignored, called service rather than scholarship, leading to isolation, lack of support and mentorship, and threats to security. This reality is heightened for BIPOC students and scholars. We denounce the long and ongoing legacy of white supremacy, settler colonialism, and violence against the intellectual ideas, bodies, and mental wellbeing of BIPOC students, colleagues, community partners, and loved ones.”

Congratulations, Genny, on this incredible achievement!

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