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Environment central to grassroots political initiative led by students, professor

Professor Faber and his students

Northeastern professor of sociology and director of the Northeastern Environmental Justice Research Collaborative, Daniel Faber and a group of his students have launched Environmentalists for Bernie.

On Sunday night, Demo­c­ratic pres­i­den­tial can­di­dates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders debated in Flint, Michigan, the city facing a dev­as­tating lead-​​contamination water crisis. The issue dom­i­nated the early part of the debate as the can­di­dates called for increased fed­eral resources and Gov. Rick Synder’s removal from office, and vowed not to forget about the city once its crisis fades from the national headlines.

On Tuesday, Michigan res­i­dents will head to the polls for their state’s primary.

With the debate in Flint, envi­ron­mental jus­tice is front and center in a pres­i­den­tial debate for the first time ever,” said Daniel Faber, pro­fessor of soci­ology and director of the North­eastern Envi­ron­mental Jus­tice Research Col­lab­o­ra­tive. He should know. Faber lit­er­ally wrote the book on it, Cap­i­tal­izing on Envi­ron­mental Injus­tice.

Read the full story at news@Northeastern

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