This information was originally posted on Religion & American Culture website.
The Center for the Study of Religion and American Culture at Indiana University Indianapolis has selected Professor Sarah Riccardi-Swartz for the 2024-2026 Young Scholars in American Religion Cohort for leading teachers and scholars in American religion.
Sarah Riccardi-Swartz is Assistant Professor of Religion and Anthropology at Northeastern University. An interdisciplinary scholar, she is trained as a historian, ethnographer, and filmmaker of American religion. She is the author of Between Heaven and Russia: Religious Conversion and Political Apostasy in Appalachia (Fordham University Press, 2022). She is currently completing a book manuscript tentatively entitled, Digital Dissidents: Science, Technology, and Orthodoxy in Far-Right Media Worlds. Her work has been supported by the NEH via Fordham University’s Orthodox Christian Studies Center, the Henry Luce Foundation, the Louisville Institute, the Institute for Citizens & Scholars, and the Social Science Research Council, among other organizations.