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Faculty Senate passes unique security degree

The Fac­ulty Senate on Wednesday passed a new master of sci­ence degree in secu­rity and resilience studies, the first pro­gram of its kind in the United States.

“It is squarely within the research foci of this uni­ver­sity, and by incor­po­rating the con­cept of resilience into the degree, it is a pro­gram that is unique in the aca­d­emic field of secu­rity,” said Uta Poiger, interim dean of the Col­lege of Social Sci­ences and Humanities.

The inter­dis­ci­pli­nary degree’s focus on resilience means that it will incor­po­rate research into how infra­struc­ture can with­stand and recover from nat­ural dis­as­ters and ter­rorist attacks. At next week’s meeting, the Fac­ulty Senate is sched­uled to dis­cuss a com­panion program—a master of arts in home­land security—that would pro­vide online edu­ca­tion for state and local offi­cials nation­wide and those seeking jobs in the field.

In a sep­a­rate vote, the Fac­ulty Senate passed an amended ver­sion of revi­sions to the Grad­uate Council’s bylaws, which have been in the works since 2010 and replace anti­quated rules adopted in 2002.

The Senate also approved a new fac­ulty hand­book module on aca­d­emic freedom, which is part of an ongoing review process that will re-​​examine indi­vidual sec­tions of the document.

– by Matt Collette

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