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Getting down to the news business

Today’s 24–7 news cycle chal­lenges news orga­ni­za­tions to chase breaking sto­ries and com­pelling fea­tures from the local to global level—all while staying con­nected to social media.

As a result, it’s become increas­ingly impor­tant for these orga­ni­za­tions to engage readers by keeping their sites fresh and flush with new con­tent. Fourth-​​year inter­na­tional affairs major Britton Green would know. For the last six months, that’s exactly what he did for CNBC’s inter­na­tional news site.

Green recently com­pleted a co-​​op in Sin­ga­pore as a pro­duc­tion intern on the news organization’s dig­ital news team. His role pri­marily involved updating the news organization’s web­site with arti­cles, photos, and videos, as well as other con­tent pro­vided by CNBC reporters, wire ser­vices, and news­pa­pers such as The New York Times. Before pub­lishing sto­ries to CNBC’s news site, he double-​​checked the accu­racy of head­lines and hyper­links as well as for the inclu­sion of the appro­priate video and social media components.

“This co-​​op taught me how dig­ital news media works and how orga­ni­za­tions like CNBC bring the news to their readers each day,” Green said.

The experiential-​​learning oppor­tu­nity offered Green an up-​​close look at the news industry’s fast-​​paced atmos­phere and global out­look. He arrived for work at 6:30 a.m., when he and the rest of the dig­ital news team in Sin­ga­pore took over the task of updating CNBC’s inter­na­tional news site and the U.S. page’s inter­na­tional news sec­tion. Later in the day, that job was then passed on to col­leagues working in the U.K. and U.S. offices.

Green, who is pur­suing a busi­ness minor, noted that reading and pro­ducing daily news pieces for CNBC’s site on topics ranging from quar­terly earn­ings reports to Asian entre­pre­neurs has dra­mat­i­cally expanded his knowl­edge of busi­ness con­cepts and trends.

“It’s been great soaking up every­thing from these busi­ness sto­ries,” he said. “This co-​​op has been incred­ibly rewarding and impactful for me.”

— By Greg St. Martin

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