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How can a campus be a model community?

How can a campus be a model com­mu­nity? That ques­tion pro­vided the cat­a­lyst for a vibrant dis­cus­sion on inclu­sion and diver­sity Thursday night among an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary panel of North­eastern fac­ulty and staff as well as mem­bers of the greater uni­ver­sity community.

How can a campus be a model com­mu­nity? That ques­tion pro­vided the cat­a­lyst for a vibrant dis­cus­sion on inclu­sion and diver­sity Thursday night among an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary panel of North­eastern fac­ulty and staff as well as mem­bers of the greater uni­ver­sity community.

The event marked the ninth install­ment of “Con­flict. Civility. Respect. Peace. North­eastern Reflects,” the university’s edu­ca­tional series on civic sus­tain­ability. The theme of the dis­cus­sion looked to overlap with this week’s cel­e­bra­tion of Martin Luther King Jr.’s life and legacy as well as last week’s call to action by North­eastern Pres­i­dent Joseph E. Aoun to deepen the uni­ver­sity community’s effort to pro­mote diver­sity on campus and to foster inclu­sion in Boston and the wider world.

In her opening remarks, the event’s mod­er­ator, law pro­fessor Mar­garet Burnham, noted that diver­sity is a life­time project. “Here at our uni­ver­sity diver­sity is as impor­tant as it is in every other aspect of our life,” she added. “It is not just a one shot deal and this is not just a one shot conversation.”

The Col­lege of Social Sci­ences and Human­i­ties, the Office of Stu­dent Affairs, and the School of Law pre­sented the event. Each pan­elist spoke about what fac­tors make a model com­mu­nity and shared per­sonal expe­ri­ences of how they tried to better their communities.

Read the full recap at news@Northeastern. 

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