Date: 10/03/2016
Time: 4pm to 6pm
Location: 10 Behrakis Health Sciences Center, Northeastern University
Dr. Anatole S. Menon-Johansson, MBBS
Dept. of Sexual & Reproductive Health,
Guys & St Thomas NHA Foundation Trust,
London UK
Please join us for either or both parts:
4-4:45 Part I: Public Health Drivers and the Evolution of Integrated
* 100 years of legislation shaping service delivery
* Epidemiology of STI¹s
* Sexual & Reproductive Health Service Provision
* Comparative Issues with regard to Culture & Diversity
* Leadership perspectives for future health professionals
*4:45-5:00: Break
* 5-5:45 Part II: The impact of digital technology on service provision
* Innovations in digital technology and digital services
* Effective partnerships and uses of social media and informatics
* Big Data; You can only monitor what you measure
* Leadership challenges for public health & health care professionals
* Future Implications; Q&A
Dr. Menon-Johansson is the clinical lead for sexual & reproductive health at Guys & St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust which includes the flagship seven day a week Burrell Street sexual health clinic:<
He is also the clinical director for the young person charity, Brook:, and a founding director for two social enterprises; SXT: and SH:24: Finally, Dr. Menon-Johansson is an honorary lecturer at King¹s College London and the joint lead on health systems and policy for the global health bachelor and masters degree courses.
Feel free to contact Anthony DeFabrizio with any questions: