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Myra Kraft Open Classroom speakers advice investment in local communities to combat economic injustices

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Hear from the Myra Kraft Open Classroom speaker series

An excerpt from the Northeastern news article, read more on the story here.

In the most recent discussion, “Economic Justice: Investing in Local Communities for Transformation,” three panelists from local, economic organizations focused on community building took a constructive approach, outlining conscious steps that individuals at all levels within these institutions can take to help break cyclical gentrification. 

“The Open Classroom is designed to bring together the Northeastern community and external communities to collectively explore critical issues of society,” said Jennie Stephens, the director of Northeastern’s School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs who introduced Wednesday’s discussion. “Our focus this week, on economic justice, encouraged us all to consider how we can get involved in disrupting the policies, processes and priorities that continue to worsen economic injustice.” 

The entrance of large firms or well-endowed universities into metropolitan areas further advances the strong economic divisions that exist within their populations. The pursuit of these establishments, especially the purchase of land or investment in new infrastructure, has historically expelled certain, largely lower-income, groups from their neighborhoods. 

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