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Research Opportunities and Creative Endeavors at the Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships

Research Opportunities Flyer

The Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships (URF) site is a one-stop shop for talented undergraduate students looking for research and creative endeavor opportunities — and the faculty who want these ambitioushardworkingstudents working with them!

Even if you also post elsewhere or recruit off-line, please also post to the URF site. This allows students and interested others to see the amazing breadth and depth of these opportunities. If your opportunity targets a specific population of students, we can tag your listing for that group. Advertising your available research and creative opportunities on our campus-wide database has many benefits. Posting is:

  • EASY. Just answer a few brief questions about your project, your ideal candidate, and hit “submit!”
  • FAIR. Studies show that first-generation students, women, and members of underrepresented groups are significantly less likely to initiate requests for faculty mentorship. Recruiting broadly and standardizing your application process can help to reduce this barrier.
  • EFFECTIVE. Connect with the broadest array of our talented and ambitious students, working across all disciplines.

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