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Northeastern Students4Giving, the Social Impact Lab’s flagship experiential philanthropy education program combining rigorous academic content with real-dollar grant making, exposes students to the ethical and practical implications of controlling resources in a world facing enormous needs. Students are charged with identifying a funding priority and selecting grantees every year based on deep reflection on community needs and their role as grant makers.

NS4G Funding Priority: Racial and Social Justice

NS4G Funding Grantee: Reclaim Roxbury

“Reclaim Roxbury is a community organization dedicated to improving the quality of life and economic wealth for Roxbury residents by preventing displacement and supporting economic development.

NS4G Funding Priority: Supporting Racial Justice & Community Needs Throughout the Pandemic

NS4G Funding Grantee: My Brother’s Keeper

“MBK617 (My Brother’s Keeper 617) core mission revolves around counteracting youth violence, providing workforce development opportunities, offering mentorship programs, fostering entrepreneurship, and assisting those impacted by the prison and cemetery pipeline.”

NS4G Funding Grantee: Justice 4 Housing

“Justice 4 Housing is a grassroots organization committed to ending housing discrimination and homelessness for individuals impacted by domestic violence and incarceration, as well as ending the incarceration of women and girls.”

NS4G Funding Priority: Supporting Racial Justice & Community Needs Throughout the Pandemic

NS4G Funding Grantee: Boston Area Gleaners

Boston Area Gleaners is committed to supporting an equitable, just, and sustainable local food system. We fulfill our mission by building innovative partnerships with local organizations and businesses in order to bridge food distribution gaps, improve healthy food access, prevent on-farm food waste, and create new markets for locally grown produce. Our vision is to sustain a permanent agricultural supply chain that will improve the viability of local farms and the health of communities who have historically suffered from inequity in the food system.”

NS4G Funding Grantee: Mattapan Food and Fitness Coalition

“The Mattapan Food and Fitness Coalition (MFFC) is a collaborative organization, bringing together Mattapan residents, organizations and others to work on improving the food and physical activity environments in Mattapan.”

NS4G Funding Grantee: GreenRoots

“GreenRoots works to achieve environmental justice and greater quality of life through collective action, unity, education and youth leadership across neighborhoods and communities.”

NS4G Funding Priority: Overcoming Barriers to Mental Health Care Among At-Risk Adolescents

NS4G Funding Grantee: South End Community Health Center

“South End Community Health Center (SECHC) is a comprehensive health care organization for all residents of the South End and surrounding communities. We are committed to providing high-quality, coordinated health care that is culturally and linguistically sensitive to every patient, regardless of ability to pay.”

NS4G Funding Priority: Uplifting Community Voice & Public Participation in Civic Decision-Making

NS4G Funding Grantee: City Life/Vida Urbana

“City Life/Vida Urbana is a grassroots community organization committed to fighting for racial, social and economic justice and gender equality by building working class power. We promote individual empowerment, develop community leaders and build collective power to effect systemic change and transform society.”

NS4G Funding Priority: Engaging Community To Combat Chemical Dependency

NS4G Funding Grantee: Casa Esperanza, Inc.

“For more than three decades, Casa Esperanza has been studying the impact of addiction and mental illness on the Latino community in Massachusetts and examining what motivates a client to get help; what it takes for them to stay engaged in care long enough to meet their treatment goals; and how to support them in building a life in recovery that works for them and their family.”

NS4G Funding Priority: Social and Economic Justice Through Community Empowerment and Engagement

NS4G Funding Grantee: Center to Support Immigrant Organizing

“The mission of the Center to Support Immigrant Organizing (CSIO) is to support and help develop the work of individuals, groups, organizations and communities dedicated to organizing immigrants around the issues that affect their lives. Our goal is to help immigrants in the forefront of community and workplace struggles to develop their power and leadership not only to succeed in their immediate context, but also to contribute to the broader effort to build a more just and democratic society.”

NS4G Funding Priority: Empowering Families to Help Children Thrive

NS4G Funding Grantee: The Home for Little Wanderers

“The Home for Little Wanderers helps build stable lives and hopeful futures for children who are abused, neglected or at-risk.

Each year, our community-based programs and residences meet the needs of more than 15,000 diverse youngsters and family members.”

NS4G Funding Grantee: The Thrift Shop of Boston

“The Thrift Shop of Boston is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the local community and some of the state’s most vulnerable children and families. All proceeds benefit The Home for Little Wanderers – A family and child service agency whose mission is to ensure the healthy behavioral, emotional, social and educational development and physical well-being of children and families living in at-risk circumstances.”

NS4G Funding Priority: Policy and Advocacy to Support Vulnerable and Underrepresented Populations

NS4G Funding Grantee: UTEC

“UTEC’s mission and promise is to ignite and nurture the ambition of our most disconnected young people to trade violence and poverty for social and economic success.

Today we serve Lowell, Lawrence, and Haverhill, MA and are nationally recognized as a model agency serving justice-involved young adults.”

NS4G Funding Grantee: Horizons for Homeless Children

“Horizons for Homeless Children is leading the fight in Massachusetts to help alleviate the trauma and stress of homelessness on both children and their families by providing high-quality early education, vital opportunities for play, support for parents, and crucial advocacy on behalf of some of our most marginalized citizens.”

NS4G Funding Priority: Diversity and Inclusion & Trauma Treatment

NS4G Funding Grantee: Refugee and Immigrant Assistance Center

“The Refugee & Immigrant Assistance Center (RIAC) is a community-based, non-profit, grassroots human service agency dedicated to promoting educational and socio-economic development in Massachusetts refugee and immigrant communities. We provide comprehensive support to refugees, asylees, and immigrants as well as the larger community.

NS4G Funding Grantee: VISIONS

“Our mission is to empower the creation of environments where differences are recognized, understood, appreciated, and utilized for the benefit of all through both time-tested and innovative training and tools, public advocacy, and consulting models addressing the personal, interpersonal, cultural, and institutional levels.”

NS4G Funding Priority: Post-Incarceration Integration & Community Mental Health

NS4G Funding Grantee: Project Place

“Project Place promotes a community of hope and opportunity for individuals experiencing homelessness and poverty by providing the skills, education and resources needed to obtain and sustain employment and housing.”

NS4G Funding Grantee: Bridge Over Troubled Waters

“Bridge Over Troubled Waters provides effective and innovative services to runaway, homeless and high-risk youth, helps youth avoid a lifetime of dependency on social services, guides youth towards self-sufficiency, and enables youth to transform their lives and build fulfilling, meaningful futures.”

NS4G Funding Priority: Intimate Partner Violence & Thriving Families

NS4G Funding Grantee: Brookview House

“Founded in 1990, Brookview is a Black- and Latinx women-led organization that works for justice, equity and systemic change for mothers and children experiencing and at risk of homelessness, many with histories of domestic violence. Our mission is to help these families develop the skills necessary to break the cycle of homelessness and poverty. Through a two-generation, culturally-responsive approach, Brookview provides housing and a broad range of supportive programs to improve educational achievement, health and well-being, and economic independence.”

NS4G Funding Priority: Positive Youth Development

NS4G Funding Grantee: InnerCity Weightlifting

“ICW’s mission is to amplify the voice and agency of people who have been most impacted by systemic racism and mass incarceration.

We partner with program participants through case management and careers in and beyond personal training. Individuals are elevated as experts in fitness and the social issues they’ve lived. ICW is a culture and community in which power dynamics are flipped, social capital is bridged, and new leaders emerge in the fight to combat long-standing inequities.”

NS4G Funding Grantee: Inquilinos Boricuas en Acción

“IBA empowers individuals and families to improve their lives and achieve socio-economic mobility through high-quality affordable housing, education, financial and resident empowerment and arts programs.”

NS4G Funding Priority: Families at Risk Due to Financial Instability

NS4G Funding Grantee: Morgan Memorial Goodwill Industries

“Goodwill’s mission services focus on helping people secure employment, which is critical for economic self-sufficiency and mobility. Program participants are typically individuals with significant barriers including developmental and physical disabilities, reliance on government benefits, histories of domestic violence and incarceration, limited English, and more.”

NS4G Funding Grantee: Victory Programs

“We open the door to hope, recovery, and community for individuals and families facing homelessness, addiction, or other chronic health conditions.”

NS4G Funding Priority: Youth Violence

NS4G Funding Grantee: Urban Edge

“Urban Edge is dedicated to strengthening communities and families. Together, we build affordable housing and vibrant, prosperous neighborhoods.”

NS4G Funding Grantee: Hyde Square Task Force

“We amplify the power, creativity, and voices of youth, connecting them to Afro-Latin culture and heritage so they can create a diverse, vibrant Latin Quarter and build a just, equitable Boston.”

NS4G Funding Grantee: Haley House

“Haley House uses food with purpose and the power of community to break down barriers between people, empower individuals, and strengthen neighborhoods.  We believe in radical solutions: solving problems at their root by challenging attitudes that perpetuate suffering and building alternative models.”