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Meet the graduates: Wendy Chu

Meet the graduate featuring Wendy Chu

Wendy Chu, SSH'16, graduated with a degree in political science and economics. She'll be attending Harvard Law School in the fall.

Wendy Chu chose to attend North­eastern because she felt the uni­ver­sity “stretched the def­i­n­i­tion of col­lege stu­dent.” Even though she had always been inter­ested in public ser­vice and social impact, North­eastern helped her find oppor­tu­ni­ties to con­duct research, engage with the com­mu­nity, gain real-​​world work expe­ri­ence on co-​​op, and dis­cover new coun­tries and cul­tures abroad.

Four years later, Chu, SSH’16, is a grad­u­ating senior with a bachelor’s degree in polit­ical sci­ence and eco­nomics, and she says that coming to North­eastern was the best deci­sion she’s ever made. A Uni­ver­sity Scholar, her many accom­plish­ments include a co-​​op at a White House ini­tia­tive, working across student-​​led and tech star­tups, studying on Dia­logues in China and the Nether­lands, and serving as a mag­a­zine editor of the North­eastern Uni­ver­sity Polit­ical Review.

Read the full story at news@Northeastern

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