This spring, Northeastern is thrilled to host two distinguished literary guests, artist/illustrator and author Art Spiegelman and novelist Michel Chabon, both winners of the Pulitzer Prize. Spiegelman will deliver the Morton E. Ruderman Memorial Lecture, sponsored by the Ruderman Family Foundation; his lecture, “’What the %@&*! Happened to Comics?’ A lecture with images,” is co-sponsored by the Jewish Studies Program and the Humanities Center at Northeastern and will take place on Tuesday, March 27, at 5:00 p.m. Chabon’s talk, “Imaginary Homelands,” will take place on April 4 at 7:00 p.m.; it will be the 20th annual Robert Salomon Morton Lecture and is part of Northeastern’s annual Holocaust Awareness Week.
Spiegelman is both the artist and author of Maus and Maus II, the comics masterpiece that cast Jews as mice and Germans as cats, as well as In the Shadow of No Towers and Breakdowns: Portrait of the Artist as a Young %@&*! and the recently release and highly acclaimed MetaMaus.
Michael Chabon is best known for The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, for which he received the Pulitzer Prize in 2001. The Yiddish Policemen’s Union, for which Chabon won several science fiction awards, is set in an alternative universe in which the new state of Israel was destroyed in 1948 and Sitka, Alaska, is a Yiddish-speaking metropolis.
Both of these lectures will take place in Northeastern’s Blackman Auditorium and are free and open to the public. Please come, and please spread the word!