John Kwoka’s Presentations
- Merger Policy with 2020 Foresight Roundtable Discussion, CPI, June 4, 2020, Virtual
- “The Economics of Remedies” presentation at GCLC Conference, Brussels, January 3, 2020
- “What Have We Learned from Existing Merger Retrospectives?” and “What Should the FTC’s Retrospective Program Be over the Next Decade,” presentations at the FTC Workshop on Retrospectives, Hearings on Competition and Consumer Protection in the 21st Century, Washington, April 12, 2019
- Presentation at The Federal Economic Competition Commission COFECE in Mexico City, Mexico
Market Consolidation and Merger Control in the U.S August 2019 - Presentation at CRESSE Meetings in Rhodes, Greece Reviving Merger Control July 2019
- Presentation at OECD Competition Committee in Paris, France Principals, Agents,and the Economics of Merger Remedies June 2019
- Presentation at GCLC Conference in Brussels, Belgium Remedies and Remedy Policy: An Economic Framework January 2019
- Presentation at Free Competition, Concentration, and Regulation in Peru and the United States Conference in Lima Peru Merger Control: Policy and Practices October 2018
- Presentation at the Control of Concentration and its Effective Application Conference at The National Institute for the Defense of Free Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property (Indecopi) in Lima, Peru U.S. Antitrust Policy: A Century of Constant Change and Controversy October 2018
- Presentation at the American Bar Association 66th Antitrust Law Spring Meeting in Washington, DC Concentration, Competition and Policy April 2018
- Presentation at the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE) at Maastrict University, Strategic Responses to Competitive Threats: Airlines in Action August 31 to September 2, 2017
- Presentation at European Commission in Brussels The Structural Presumption in Merger Control
July, 2017 - Presentation at the Stigler Center for the Study of the Economy and the State, Is There a Concentration Problem in America? Concentration and Competition in the US Economy: Trends and Issues University of Chicago March 27-29, 2017
- Presentation at the American Antitrust Institute Airlines Roundtable in Washington, DC
2016 Year in Review December 12, 2016. - Presentation at the The Myra Kraft Open Classroom Series at Northeastern University in Boston, MA Economic Forces Before and After the Election November 16, 2016.
- Presentation at the ICN Chief Economists Forum at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver MERGER REMEDIES: An Economics Incentives Perspective September 13, 2016.
- Presentation at the Is the US Economy Becoming Less Competitive panel at the Searle Center Conference on Antitrust Economics and Competition Policy at Northwestern University University in Chicago, IL RECENT MERGER ENFORCEMENT IN THE U.S.: FTC Data 1996-2011
September 16, 2016. - Presentation at the American Antitrust Institute Annual Conference in Washington, DC
MERGER REMEDIES: THIRD WAY, OR SOFT ENFORCEMENT June 2016. - Presentation at the American Antitrust Institute Invitational Symposium on the Non-Price Effects of Mergers NON-PRICE EFFECTS OF MERGERS: ISSUES AND EVIDENCE June 2016.
- Presentation at the 14th Annual International Industrial Organization Conference, at LeBow College of Business Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA Strategic Responses to Competitive Threats: Airlines in Action April 2016.
- Presentation at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) workshop, in Paris, France Merger Remedies: Issue and Evidence April 2016.
- Presentation at Industrial Economics and Competition Policy, in Beijing
Merger Remedies March 2016. - Presentation at George Washington University Symposium, Washington, DC
FROM THE FRINGE TO THE FORE: Low-Cost Carriers and Airline Pricing? March 2016. - Presentation at United States Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC
Merger Control June 2015. - Presentation at ABA/George Washington University Symposium, Washington, DC
Retrospective Analyses of Mergers, Merger Control, and Remedies: What Have We Learned? What Should We Do Next? June 2013. - Presentation at ABA Antitrust Section Spring Meeting, Washington, DC
MERGERS,REMEDIES,AND OUTCOMES: Some Evidence April 2013. - Presentation at the ICN Merger Workshop, Bogota, Columbia MERGER ANALYSIS: Levels of Evidence November 2012.
- Presentation at Northeastern University School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs Open Classroom Series
HARD VS. SOFT INDUSTRY POLICY: When and How the Government Should Intervene in Markets
September 2012. - Presentation at the 10th annual International Industrial Organization Conference
SEGMENTED COMPETITION IN AIRLINES: The changing roles of Low-Cost and Legacy Carriers in Fare Determination March 2012 - Presentation at the Loyola Antitrust Colloquium
DOES MERGER CONTORL WORK? A Retrospective on U.S. Enforcement Actions and Merger Policy April 2012. - Webinar Presentation for RTO Capacity Markets Fundamentals, Institute of Public Utilities, Michigan State University KEN ROSE: An Examination of RTO Capacity Markets
December 2011. - Presentation at Northeastern University School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs Open Classroom Series HOW MUCH REGULATION IN A MARKET ECONOMY? November 2011.
- Presentation at the Southern Economic Association 81st Annual Meeting
DOES MERGER CONTROL WORK? A Retrospective on U.S. Enforcement Actions and Merger Outcomes November 2011. - Presentation at Northeastern University “Teach-In Sunday: Reclaiming our Economy”
THE PUBLIC SECTOR, THE PRIVATE SECTOR AND NOW THE BANKING SECTOR November 2011. - Presentation at the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE) in Stockholm, Sweden
DOES MERGER CONTROL WORK?A RETROSPECTIVE ON U.S. MERGER ENFORCEMENT AND POLICY, September 3, 2011. - Presentation at Amsterdam Center for Law and Economics 7th annual Meeting on Competition and Regulation
LESSONS FROM ESTABLISHED POLICY AND PRACTICE May 20, 2011. - Presentation at NU@Noon Alumni Program in Burlington, Massachusetts
TRADE POLICY IN A CHANGING GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT May 10. 2011. - Presentation at the 9th Annual International Industrial Organization Conference in Boston, Massachusetts RETROSPECTIVE ON MERGERS AND MERGER POLICY: AGENCY PREDICTIONS, ACTIONS, AND OUTCOMES, April 9, 2011.
- Presentation at Third Annual Federal Trade Commission and Northwestern University Microeconomics Conference Retrospectives on Merger Policy: A Survey
November 19, 2010. - Comments to the Horizontal Merger Guidelines Review Project of the Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice, June 2010.
- Remarks at the AAI Annual Conference in Washington DC
The Public stake in Private Enterprise – The Obama Administration and the U.S. Auto Industry,
June 2010. - Opening Remarks at the 10th Annual Energy Roundtable:
Major Developments in Energy Markets – What They Mean for Electricity Regulation and Competition, March 2, 2010. - Comments Submitted to the Horizontal Merger Guidelines Review Project of the Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice, January 2010.
- Market Structure, Competition, and Regulation in Electricity Market Reforms
World Bank Energy Practice Day, Washington, DC, January 2010. - Presentation at National Conference on State of Competition in the Indian Economy, Delhi
June 2009. - Presention at The Automobile Industry: A Research Roundtable, International Labor Organization, Geneva May 2009.
- Presention at Regulation, Investments, and Quality of Energy Regulation, Office of Energy Regulation, The Hague May 2009.
- Presentation at Roundtable on Industry Restructuring under Financial Duress International Industrial Organization Conference April 2009.
- The Price Effects Of Eliminating Potential Competition: Evidence from an Airline Merger,EARIE, Toulouse September 2008.