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Looking for Other Worlds: Black Feminism and Haitian Fiction | Régine Michelle Jean-Charles

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Régine Michelle Jean-Charles, Director of Africana Studies; Dean’s Professor of Culture and Social Justice; Professor of Africana Studies and Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies

What would it mean to reorient the study of Haitian literature toward ethics rather than the themes of politics, engagement, disaster, or catastrophe? Looking for Other Worlds engages with this question from a distinct feminist perspective and, in the process, discovers a revelatory lens through which we can productively read the work of contemporary Haitian writers.

Régine Michelle Jean-Charles explores the “ethical imagination” of three contemporary Haitian authors—Yanick Lahens, Kettly Mars, and Evelyne Trouillot—contending that ethics and aesthetics operate in relation to each other through the writers’ respective novels and that the turn to ethics has proven essential in the twenty-first century. Jean-Charles presents a useful framework for analyzing contemporary literature that brings together Black feminism, literary ethics, and Haitian studies in a groundbreaking way.

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