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Scholar of Israel to co-​​direct Middle East Center

Israel and Middle East expert Dov Waxman will join North eastern Uni ver sity as pro fessor of polit ical sci ence, inter na tional affairs, and Israel studies and co-​​director of the Middle East Center.

Waxman, a renowned scholar of Israeli pol i tics and for eign policy, Arab-​​Israeli rela tions, and Middle East pol i tics, will bring his exper tise to North eastern in the fall as a vis iting scholar of polit ical sci ence and will begin his role as co-​​director of the Middle East Center. His tenured fac ulty appoint ment will take effect in 2014.

“Pro fessor Waxman’s depth of knowl edge and expe ri ence make him a leading voice in the field of Middle East pol i tics,” said Col lege of Social Sci ences and Human i ties Interim Dean Uta Poiger. “He fos ters robust aca d emic and public dis course on com pelling ques tions and will be an invalu able resource for stu dents across disciplines.”
Waxman comes to North eastern with more than 10 years of teaching expe ri ence and a strong schol arly pub li ca tion record. In the main stream media, he has been a cham pion of intel lec tual freedom and the open exchange of ideas.

“I am very excited to be joining the fac ulty at North eastern,” Waxman said. “Being a member of the Polit ical Sci ence Depart ment and the Inter na tional Affairs and Jewish Studies pro grams is really a per fect fit for me in terms of my research and teaching. I also par tic u larly hope to develop Israel Studies at North eastern and to increase the pro file and activ i ties of the Middle East Center.”

For the past nine years, Waxman has been in the Depart ment of Polit ical Sci ence at Baruch Col lege in New York and at the CUNY Grad uate Center. Prior to that appoint ment, he taught in the Depart ment of Gov ern ment at Bow doin College.

Waxman has con ducted research as a vis iting fellow or scholar at a number of uni ver si ties, including the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies at Tel Aviv Uni ver sity; the Middle East Tech nical Uni ver sity in Ankara, Turkey; the Begin-​​Sadat Center for Strategic Studies at Bar-​​Ilan Uni ver sity; the Avraham Harman Insti tute for Con tem po rary Jewry at the Hebrew Uni ver sity; and most recently at St. John’s Col lege and the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies at Oxford University.

“Pro fessor Waxman’s per spec tives will enrich our aca d emic com mu nity,” said Stephen W. Director, provost and senior vice pres i dent for aca d emic affairs. “He has a rich and mul ti fac eted per spec tive, informed by deep his tor ical under standing, on the com pli cated issues facing the Middle East today and in the future.”

Waxman is the author of The Pur suit of Peace and the Crisis of Israeli Iden tity: Defending /​ Defining the Nation (Pal grave Macmillan, 2006) and the co-​​author of Israel’s Pales tinians: The Con flict Within (Cam bridge Uni ver sity Press, 2011). He fre quently com ments on Israeli-​​Palestinian rela tions and Middle East affairs in the press, including The Wash ington Quar terly, Ha’aretz, The Jewish Quar terly, The Jerusalem Post, For eign Policy Mag a zine, and The Daily Beast.

At North eastern, Waxman will teach under grad uate and grad uate courses on Israeli pol i tics and society, the Arab-​​Israeli Con flict, Middle East pol i tics, and inter na tional rela tions theory.

by Emily Rosenbaum

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