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Northeastern joins innovative food systems collaborative

School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs pro­fessor Christo­pher Bosso will serve as the link between North­eastern Dining and ongoing research at the uni­ver­sity. He will oversee a research effort that will enable North­eastern Dining to expand its use of local and regional food sources.

North­eastern Dining takes a forward-​​thinking approach to food, from its emphasis on sus­tain­ability to offering infor­ma­tive cooking demon­stra­tions and pro­grams. In recog­ni­tion of these efforts, North­eastern Dining was recently selected to join a new food sys­tems col­lab­o­ra­tive that pairs theory with prac­tice to offer impact on research oppor­tu­ni­ties and sus­tain­able menu choices for students.

The Menus of Change Uni­ver­sity Research Col­lab­o­ra­tive, jointly led by The Culi­nary Insti­tute of America and Stan­ford Uni­ver­sity, is com­prised of 37 higher edu­ca­tion insti­tu­tions. It is a con­sor­tium born out of the Menus of Change ini­tia­tive launched in 2012 by the CIA and the Har­vard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Read the full story at news@Northeastern.

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