"Sex, Gender, and Justice" marked the eighth installment of “Conflict. Civility. Respect. Peace. Northeastern Reflects,” the university’s educational series on civic sustainability, where an interdisciplinary panel of Northeastern professors explained how gender injustice has informed their research.
Students, faculty, and staff convened on Wednesday evening to examine the growing need for gender justice.
The event marked the eighth installment of “Conflict. Civility. Respect. Peace. Northeastern Reflects,” the university’s educational series on civic sustainability, where an interdisciplinary panel of Northeastern professors explained how gender injustice has informed their research.
“Recognition of diversity and plurality is essential to building a strong campus as well as a fully functioning society,” Dean Uta Poiger.
The panel comprised Libby Adler, a professor in the School of Law; Gabriel Arkles, an associate teaching professor in the School of Law; Moya Bailey, a dean’s postdoctoral fellow in the College of Social Sciences and Humanities, and Benjamin Schmidt, an assistant professor in the Department of History.
“Recognition of diversity and plurality is essential to building a strong campus as well as a fully functioning society,” Uta Poiger, dean of the College of Social Sciences and Humanities, said in her welcoming remarks.