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The internship is a requirement for all students in the Master of Public Administration Program consisting of 300 hours of work in an agency or organization. Your work as an intern must be relevant to the public affairs field and the MPA degree*. The internship requires course registration (PPUA 6861 for 0 credits or PPUA 6862 for 4 credits). Once your internship has been approved by the MPA Program Director, you will be automatically registered for the appropriate course based on your selection below. Additional assignments will be provided and factored into your grade under the supervision of the MPA Faculty Internship Advisor per the course syllabus. Please submit this form to BEFORE the start of the semester in which you will begin your internship.

* Those students who wish to petition for a waiver to this requirement should fill out the separate MPA Internship Waiver Form. 

Master of Public Administration Program Internship Approval Form

    If not, please go to and view the Employment link to find the CPT Form.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY