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SPPUA Faculty Support GRI/FEMA with Special COVID Investigation

The Global Resilience Institute (GRI), in conjunction with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, recently released 10 Special Investigation Reports compiled by faculty in the School of Public Policy, and additional Faculty Affiliates at Northeastern and the MIT Lincoln Laboratory. These reports provide both analysis and policy recommendations in subjects pertaining to the devastation of COVID-19. Additionally, SPPUA profs. Jennie Stephens and Dan O’Brien provided coordinative and data support to ensure faculty had the resources they needed to complete the reports.

This set of sector-specific Special Investigation Reports is part of a FEMA-supported effort to provide regional recommendations for COVID-19 economic recovery in New England.  Written by expert public policy researchers from Northeastern’s Global Resilience Institute and MIT Lincoln Labs, these reports bring together analysis and policy recommendations in ten cross-cutting critical areas including municipal and state budgets, housing, food, healthcare, K-12 education, childcare, higher education, small business, energy, and fisheries. 

Each of these reports provides an in-depth, accessible review of the challenges, opportunities, and actionable policy considerations in each area. These reports also highlight inequities and disparities within communities, states, and the region.  Written in the summer of 2020, these reports are a publicly accessible resource to inform recovery strategies at multiple levels. Each report provides valuable landscape-level context as well as sector-specific detail to support a broad range of funding decisions and policy priorities. Providing insights on the complexities and interconnectedness of each of these sectors, this collection of reports elevates insights in areas that are complexly interdependent and often poorly understood. 

Authored by subject matter experts in these critical areas, each report reviews impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the scale of disruption across interconnecting issues.  Each report also highlights policy considerations and recommendations, providing valuable context and perspective to support findings and economic recovery recommendations for the entire New England Region. 

COVID-19 Special Investigation Reports by SPPUA Core Faculty:

Read all of the reports here.

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