CSSH offers two competitive, semester-long fellowship opportunities to its full-time PhD students. These are experiential fellowships and fieldwork fellowships.
Experiential Fellowships
Semester-long experiential fellowships will facilitate experiential endeavors for doctoral students interested in a placement with an external partner who is not able to otherwise support the student.
To qualify for the experiential fellowship, the doctoral student must have identified and secured interest from an external partner organization.
Fieldwork Fellowships
Semester-long fieldwork fellowships will permit doctoral students to retain their stipend while they collect data or conduct fieldwork directly related to their own dissertation work.
For the fieldwork fellowship, the doctoral student must have successfully defended their dissertation proposal at the time of application.
Other Opportunities
PhD Network Dissertation Completion Fellowships
Semester-long Dissertation Completion Fellowships offer support for doctoral students approaching degree completion. Offered in partnership with the Office of the Provost. Visit the PhD Network website for application details and deadlines.
How To Apply for CSSH Fellowships
A call for applications will be sent to active PhD students when the application portal opens for the upcoming award cycle.
A CSSH Fellowship application consists of an application form, supporting materials, and letters of support and recommendation. Details will be provided in the call for applications.
It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure all required materials are submitted by the application deadline.
Application Deadlines
See the application form.
Application Form
Complete the Fellowship Application, specifying the type of fellowship and including sufficient detail about the opportunity and information about past and current funding from Northeastern or from external sources.
Supporting Materials
Email supporting materials as attachments to gradcssh@northeastern.edu with the subject “CSSH Fellowship Application Supporting Materials.”
Letters of Recommendation and Support
The letters of recommendation and support should be sent by the writer in a sealed envelope to the graduate office or via email to gradcssh@northeastern.edu with the subject “Fellowship Recommendation” and the applicant’s last name.
- Letter of recommendation from the advisor that describes the importance of the work and includes a clear assessment of the feasibility of the proposed activity. Letters of recommendation for fieldwork must include a statement about the student’s timeline and likely program completion trajectory.
- Letter of support from the Graduate Committee and/or Graduate Program Director evaluating the merit of the proposed activity and the fellowship application. The letter of support should describe the student’s standing in the program and must include a statement regarding the feasibility of the student taking a fellowship semester should one be awarded.
Experiential Fellowship Applicants
If applying for an experiential fellowship, please provide:
- A description of the opportunity and its connection to your research program, and
- A letter of interest or intent from the proposed partner entity or organization. (A copy of an email will suffice.)
Fieldwork Fellowship
If applying for a fieldwork fellowship, please provide:
- A description of the current status of the dissertation with a detailed timetable for completion,
- A copy of the approved dissertation proposal, and
- Evidence of IRB approval.