The Staff Engagement Task Force (SETF) met on Dec. 4, 2024. Prior to this meeting, Louis shared meeting minutes and survey data from the staff assembly. During the meeting, we reflected on the assembly and what was shared with us as members of the SETF.
Informed by this feedback, we returned to our recommendations ideas list and the template through which recommendations could be considered for review. The subcommittees began sharing their recommendation drafts as input into the template, which we agreed to include in one comprehensive report that includes a more detailed breakdown of survey results and more detailed recommendations, and that this report will go to Jim Rollins and CSSH leadership. We also decided to put together a second deck for all staff that summarizes the results of the last deck, then lists the recommendations without additional detail. Finally, we agreed that the next subgroup meetings can be used to finalize recommendations in the assigned categories and place them into templates, but that we would definitely need to have one more meeting in the new year to finalize work products.We value your perspective and encourage you to share any additional information or feedback regarding your experience as a staff member in CSSH here: Should you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to