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Student finds immersive research experience in Australia co-op

Photo of Ana Tarbetsky

Ana Tarbetsky, a senior sociology major, worked on graduate-level research while on co-op in Australia and now plans to pursue her doctorate at the University of New South Wales after she graduates from Northeastern.

Ana Tar­betsky worked on graduate-​​level research in edu­ca­tional psy­chology ear­lier this year while on co-​​op in Aus­tralia. But the expe­ri­ence did more than advance her explo­ration of that field. It also con­tinued her global learning that began a year ear­lier on study abroad at the Uni­ver­sity of Sydney.

My expe­ri­ence there felt unfin­ished,” Tar­betsky said. “That was the first time I was abroad by myself. It took me awhile to get estab­lished there, and then once I did, the expe­ri­ence was coming to an end. I feel like my co-​​op picked up where I left off.”

Tar­betsky, SSH’16, a senior soci­ology major who is expected to grad­uate in three-​​and-​​a-​​half years, started searching for a co-​​op in Sydney as soon as she returned to campus in fall 2013 fol­lowing her study abroad. She even­tu­ally con­nected with a pro­fessor at the Uni­ver­sity of New South Wales whose research inter­ests aligned with her own.

This was an immer­sive expe­ri­ence into edu­ca­tional psy­chology and the cur­rent state of the research,” she said of her co-​​op. “I was thrown right into it, but into an envi­ron­ment in which learning and growth was encour­aged. I didn’t feel over­whelmed. It was chal­lenging, but supportive.”

Read the full story at News@Northeastern.

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