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Yitzhak Henry

PhD Alumnus in Political Science

Graduated in 2022

Yitzhak received his PhD from Northeastern University in 2022, specializing in Comparative Politics and Public Policy. He has a strong background and interest in community resilience, local government, urban planning, and program evaluation. Yitzhak has served as a Teaching Assistant for POLS4505 – US Civil Liberties, POLS1160 – International Relations, POLS1155 – Comparative Politics, and as a Research Assistant for Prof. Laura Kuhl and for the Global Resilience Institute at Northeastern.

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Research Interest

Yitzhak has a strong background and interest in community resilience, local government, urban planning, and program evaluation. His research looks at how urban planning decisions by local governments impact the vulnerability of communities to climate hazards, the ability of residents to access critical infrastructure, and the post disaster recovery trajectories of these communities. Currently, his research examines these processes within the context of coastal urban agglomerations in Latin America and the Caribbean. His research relies on a blend of traditional political science research techniques as well as the application of Geographic Information Systems and remote sensing.


Yitzhak is a native of Brooklyn, New York and has spent time living in Jamaica and New Zealand. He received his Bachelor’s degree in International Relations from the University of the West Indies and a Master’s degree in Security and Resilience Studies from Northeastern University.

Selected Publications

“How the decline of the freight rail industry highlighted the importance of community resilience: Murdo, South Dakota,” published by Global Resilience Institute
“It only takes one: How a single shipping container could cripple the world’s economy” published by Global Resilience Institute
“A high price to pay: The true cost of America’s aging infrastructure” published by Global Resilience Institute

Conference Presentations

“Building Resilience in Los Angeles’ Most Vulnerable Communities,” Los Angeles Homeland Security Advisory Council, October 2018
“Democracy and Disaster Resilience in the Caribbean Basin” Southwest Social Sciences Association Annual Conference, October 2019

Research Interests: Community Resilience, Urban Planning, Local Government, Program Evaluation, Latin America, Caribbean, SIDS, Climate Hazards, GIS, Remote Sensing
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960A Renaissance Park
Curriculum Vitae

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