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Subgroup Meeting Points | 10/14-10/18

The Feedback Systems Subcommittee met on 10/15/24. We reviewed the feedback that has come in via our form and survey so far and discussed the overlap/convergence with the shared services project. The thoughts shared led to a continuation of our ideas for recommendation to leadership through the lens of engagement, particularly regarding creating more opportunities to increase community, belonging, and support. We brought forth several points that we were interested in emphasizing, such as how avoidance of conflict and discourse exacerbates disengagement, leading with empathy, and employing a needs-based approach to employees and retention. We seek to bring our discussion to the larger group.

The Communications Subcommittee met 10/15/24. We began by addressing the CSSH Staff Assembly meeting happening soon and thinking about how to communicate SETF activities at that meeting. We then reignited our discussion about our communications recommendations to leadership, one of our key taskforce outcomes and a primary identified area of improvement. We thought about what spaces the survey told us were needed for staff, which may not only include spaces that integrate leadership into the conversation, but also may include spaces outside of that. We also acknowledged the necessity for increased capacity/time for staff to be able to participate in these spaces, which we hope to integrate into how we frame the recommendation. We wrapped up with action items and several ideas to bring to the larger taskforce.

The Data Analysis Subcommittee met on 10/16/24. We discussed the three open responses from the survey, centered on what excites staff about their work, what three words they would use to describe CSSH, and other feedback on community and engagement in CSSH. After a brief discussion on overarching themes (transparency and communication and creating and maintaining a supportive work environment chief among them), we outlined target dates for draft reports. Each member of the subcommittee has committed to drafting notes on a specific question to be compiled with the quantitative results of the survey in a single draft document. 

We value your perspective and encourage you to share any additional information or feedback regarding your experience as a staff member in CSSH here: Should you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to

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Staff Engagement Task Force Meeting Notes | 9/25/24

Meeting Notes