The Feedback Systems Subcommittee met on 11/27/2024 after the assignment of crafting recommendations for the following themes:
- Mentorship within a unit
- Ability to share feedback/ideas within the college
The group began by looking at the recommendation ideas document compiled by Meghan, our subcommittee leader (she had to go on-leave at this time, so the subcommittee became the three remaining members). We talked through the first theme, as well as the suggestions and thoughts listed by our fellow SETF members. We also discussed feedback that came out of the Staff Assembly. From there, we authored two recommendations together: modifications to the CSSH Navigator Program, and an organizational tree for staff. We decided to schedule an additional meeting before the next larger taskforce meeting to craft our recommendations for our second theme.
The Communications Subcommittee met on 11/26/24. We began by reviewing the ideas under the Communication from Sr Leadership category in the Recommendation Ideas document. We talked about three distinct ideas:
- Regular communications vehicles that we would pressure test with staff:
- A cadence of Virtual Town Halls for all faculty + staff
- Short videos from Sr Leadership to send to staff
- Staff/faculty newsletter
- SharePoint “intranet” site for staff/faculty news, etc.
- Structure for highlighting changes, leaves, promotions, service anniversaries, birthdays
- Ensure all DO teams/functions are committed to providing information (especially HR, Finance) on a regular basis
- Staff representative for Full Chairs Council meetings
- Represents staff perspective on college issues
- Communicates new information or directives from meetings to staff
- Establish staff-only, cross-unit “support groups” of 5-10, including one Dean’s Office “representative” (maybe alternating with and without DO rep)
We decided to pursue the first two ideas, but not the third, which would fit better in the Building Community bucket (without the presence of a DO rep).
The Data Analysis Subcommittee met on 11/27/24. We reviewed subcommittee’s recommendation template and gave feedback on current items in the template. Discussed potential software and tools the college could utilize to include within our recommendations. The group agreed to provide feedback on the template document to review in our next meeting.
We value your perspective and encourage you to share any additional information or feedback regarding your experience as a staff member in CSSH here: Should you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to