North eastern rec og nized a select group of extra or di nary juniors and seniors on Thursday who were named to the “Hunt ington 100,” a new honor acknowl edging stu dents who have excelled in var ious areas across the university—from research to ath letics to expe ri en tial learning.
Pres i dent Joseph E. Aoun joined other uni ver sity leaders and alumni to honor the group of stu dents for their accom plish ments. Aoun and others encour aged stu dents, par tic u larly grad u ating seniors, to remain in close con tact with the uni ver sity after graduation—either on campus or through its growing list of alumni chap ters around the world.
“Wher ever you are, get involved and get engaged,” Aoun said. “You will always be a Husky.”
To be con sid ered for the Hunt ington 100, stu dents had to be nom i nated by fac ulty, staff, coaches, employers, or their peers. The selec tion com mittee received sev eral hun dred nom i nees, with mem bers acknowl edging that the entire field was incred ibly tal ented and accomplished.
“I’m in awe,” David Kaeli, asso ciate dean and pro fessor in the Depart ment of Elec trical and Com puter Engi neering, told the stu dents at Thursday’s recep tion. “I’m very proud to be a fac ulty member where the quality of the under grad uate stu dents is outstanding.”
Andre Cil iotta, an indus trial engi neering major, was a senior co-captain on the men’s soccer team, which won the program’s first ever Colo nial Ath letic Asso ci a tion title in 2012. That vic tory vaulted North eastern to its first NCAA Tour na ment berth since 2002. Then, with team’s opening round tour na ment vic tory over Boston Col lege, the Huskies set the pro gram record for most wins in a season (14).
“It was an incred ible moment for our team,” said Cil iotta, who will return to Peru after grad u a tion to pursue a pro fes sional soccer career.
Senior Jes sica Feldish reflected on how her North eastern expe ri ence had helped shape her interest in com mu nity involve ment and envi ron mental activism. Feldish served as pres i dent of the Husky Envi ron mental Action Team and co-founded Trash2Treasure pro gram; the program’s mem bers col lect dorm items and clothes stu dents might oth er wise throw away in the spring, and then sell those items back to stu dents in the fall, with the pro ceeds going to charity.
Feldish even sought to orga nize a city wide ver sion of Trash2Treasure during her co-op at the Boston City Council, where she worked on var ious envi ron mental policy issues.
The university’s sig na ture co-op pro gram also proved valu able for senior David Tsch iegg. His co-ops included designing sig nage for libraries and col lege cam puses at a design firm in Somerville, Mass., to devel oping print com mu ni ca tions at a local brand and con sulting firm. After grad u a tion, he plans to use this real-world expe ri ence to pursue a career as a graphic designer in the non profit sector, per haps in edu ca tion or the arts.
“Early on my time at North eastern, I real ized that I wanted to help people who can make pos i tive social change,” Tsch iegg said.
Many of those stu dents hon ored at the event were also acknowl edged ear lier in the day at Northeastern’s Aca d emic Honors Con vo ca tion, an annual cer e mony rec og nizing stu dents, fac ulty, and staff for their achieve ments in areas including research, schol ar ship, teaching, and men toring. Among them were stu dents who recently received Ful bright U.S. Stu dent Awards as well as Northeastern’s own Hodgkinson Awards, one of the highest honors bestowed upon grad u ating seniors.
– by Greg St. Martin