Recent Major Grants and Awards
- Financial Network Disruptions in Illicit and Counterfeit Medicines (FIND-M) (Nikos Passas, Criminology and Criminal Justice; funded by the National Science Foundation)
- Initiative for Energy Justice (Shalanda Baker, Law, Public Policy, and Urban Affairs; funded by the Kresge Foundation and Barr Foundation)
- Understanding the Physical and Psychological Health and Wellness Needs of Minor Sex Trafficking Victims (Amy Farrell, Criminology and Criminal Justice; funded by the National Institute of Justice)
- Social and Moral Factors in Post-Hurricane Evacuation Decisions: Implications for Wellbeing (Daniel Aldrich, Political Science, Public Policy, and Urban Affairs; funded by the National Institute of Justice)
- Sari Altschuler (English) has won the American Literature Society’s 1921 Prize for Best Essay in American Literature for essays published in 2020 for “Touching The Scarlet Letter : What Disability History Can Teach Us about Literature.” The prize is awarded to peer-reviewed essays in any field of American Literature that appeared in 2020 in a literary journal.