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We view research as a particularly valuable form of experiential learning, in which students actively participate in the making of knowledge, often alongside or in collaboration with faculty doing cutting-edge research. Through these experiences, students learn valuable academic, professional, and interpersonal skills that are core to the college’s educational mission and highly valued in graduate programs and the varied careers our graduates pursue.  

The College of Social Sciences and Humanities encourages all undergraduate students to participate in research. Below, you will find descriptions and links that will connect you with undergraduate research opportunities. There are opportunities for all stages of your career (beginner and advanced); undertaken for credit or paid; pursued independently (with faculty mentorship) or in collaboration with faculty or multi-generational teams.

The opportunities are listed roughly in order from more introductory to more advanced, but every student’s research path will be different, and some of these opportunities will be appropriate throughout your undergraduate career. We encourage you to talk early to your academic advisor about your research interests, to follow up with faculty members whose work is of interest to you, and to pursue opportunities of different kinds throughout your undergraduate career.

Click here for a list of undergraduate student research opportunities and sources of funding.

Opportunities at CSSH

The Undergraduate Research Initiative (URI) provides funding undergraduate students in the College of Social Sciences and Humanities to carry out research or creative activity with the mentorship of a faculty member with relevant expertise.

Funding supports research-related activities such as the purchase of data or software, trips to archives, library cards, preparation of materials for presentation, or stipends for research conducted in lieu of employment. Students must conduct research with or under the supervision of a qualified faculty member and must make an original and distinct contribution.

There are three funding cycles.  The deadlines are: April 15 for funding in following summer and fall semesters; July 31 for in fall semester; and October 31 for funding in following semester. To learn more about Undergraduate Research click here.

Develop transferable research skills as you add to your resume. You can develop research skills on co-ops in archives, libraries, law firms, and many other workplaces!  For more information, please visit the co-op page and talk to your co-op advisor.

The Sustainability and Social Change (SSC) Lab is currently seeking an undergraduate Research Assistant to join the lab as a volunteer, through work-study or as a directed-study student! As an RA in the SSC Lab you will be able to contribute to important applied research, while also learning valuable skills to help navigate research, conferences, publishing, and academia. If you have any questions about this posting, would like to sign up to volunteer in the lab, or would like to set up a directed study, please email our Lab Manager, Clara Riggio (

You Should Apply if You:

– have an interest in climate change, the environment, public policy, political polarization, inequality and the relationship between these topics and decision-making, social norms and networks, and values and preferences.

– are looking to expand your interdisciplinary research network

– want to learn new skills in experimental design; data collection and analysis; literature reviews and meta-analysis; programming; and academic writing.

– are interested in writing articles, and presenting work at conferences.

– want to join a team of experienced, cooperative, and driven researchers!


– Attend weekly lab meetings

– Undergo training in research software, data analysis, and Human Research ethics

– Assist in experimental design, data analysis, content analysis, literature reviews, running studies (online surveys, interviews, cooperative game studies, etc.)


– Knowledge of political science, sociology, economics, policy or psychology

– Organization and time-management skills

– Excellent writing and literature review skills

– Familiarity with R, Python or other data analysis software (preferred)

– Familiarity with Qualtrics, MTurk and other online survey platforms (preferred)

– Familiarity with statistical analysis, causal inference, and text analysis (preffered)

About Us:

The Sustainability and Social Change Lab is directed by Dr. Sara Constantino. Constantino’s work broadly focuses on social and political barriers to the design and implementation of effective social and environmental policy, and to collective action more generally. Our lab focuses on the applied topics of climate adaptation and mitigation, poverty alleviation, and the intersection between inequality and climate change. We have ongoing projects on the emergence and erosion of social norms; the role of political ideology, partisanship and trust on cooperation and political behavior; moral decision-making related to welfare provision, intergenerational justice and reparations; the varied narratives surrounding energy transitions, extreme weather events and poverty; the inequities and politics around climate mobility decisions; and the social and political consequences of cash transfer policies. To learn more about our growing lab please visit

Introductory, independent research in your major. Involves students in collaborative research under the supervision of a faculty member. Offers students an opportunity to learn basic research methods in the discipline. Earns from 1-4 credits. For information about registering for this class reach out to your academic advisor advisor.

Transcript recognition for research not documented elsewhere. This 0-credit class offers students an opportunity to document contributions to research projects or creative endeavors that are not otherwise credited. The class requires a faculty mentor and will appear on your transcript as INSH 2992: Research.

Advanced-level, independent research (with faculty mentor) in your major. Offers independent work under the direction of members of the department on a chosen topic. Course content depends on instructor. Earns 4 credits.

Focuses on in-depth project in which a student conducts research or produces a product related to the student’s major field for Honors in the Discipline (Major). Students may enroll in one or both semesters depending on extent of the project. To learn more about the Honors in the Major click here.

Participation in the University Honors Program not required. To learn more about the Honors in the Major click here.

University-Wide Opportunities

One stop for research funding, fellowship opportunities, and mentorship support.  To discover all of their resources, visit their webpage.


Develop your research skills and experience from your first to your final year. Connect with a faculty member in class or over lunch, collaborate with an organization, develop an independent project, travel for your research – find support for these experiences and more on the PEAK webpage.

Connect with faculty looking for research assistants. Search faculty research projects at this link. These opportunities may be undertaken for credit or for pay, and are open to all students, including those with federal work-study funds.

Are you a member of the University Honors Program? The program offers its students a variety of awards, including travel awards, to support early and advanced research. Click here for more information.

Showcase your original research. To discover all of their resources, visit their webpage.