Experiential Academics
Academics isn’t just what happens in the classroom, though our curriculum is rigorous and relevant. We believe it’s the combination of careful analysis and meaningful engagements through co-op, research, and global study that fuels curiosity and deepens one’s understanding of the world and its challenges.
Cooperative education (co-op) is a signature part of Experiential Liberal Arts, and when combined with your study of social sciences and humanities, it transforms your learning and invigorates your path to success.
Co-opsHundreds of co-op employers, including:- Commonwealth of Massachusetts. various agencies
- Wayfair
- McKinsey
- Goodwin Procter
Research is a valuable form of experiential learning in which students actively participate in the discovery of new knowledge, often alongside expert faculty researchers.
Research Opportunities -
Study abroad programs let students study in another country and transfer credit back to Northeastern. Opportunities are available at various institutions, including the London School of Economics, Oxford University, University of Hong Kong, and University of Sydney.
Global OpportunitiesRecent study abroad topics and locations- Pilgrimage in Spain — Spain
- The United Nations — Switzerland
- Korean Cinema — South Korea
- Politics, Culture, and Globalization — Japan
Service learning at Northeastern is an academically enriching experience. Through partnerships with schools, neighborhood agencies, health clinics, and nonprofit organizations, the university embeds service into course work.
Service LearningPast service-learning experiences include:- Teaching urban youth how to cook healthy and affordable meals
- Documenting humanitarian projects in post-earthquake Haiti
- Allocating grants to local nonprofits
Africana Studies Program
American Sign Language & Interpreting Education
Cultures, Societies, and Global Studies
Global Asian Studies Program
Health, Humanities, and Society Program
Human Services Program
International Affairs
Jewish Studies Program
Latinx, Latin American, and Caribbean Studies Program
Philosophy and Religion
Political Science
Politics, Philosophy, and Economics
School of Criminology and Criminal Justice
School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs
Sociology and Anthropology
Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program
World Languages and Cultures
Writing Program