Staff Development and Community at CSSH

At the College of Social Sciences and Humanities, we support all staff in their professional growth. Below are some examples of CSSH-specific initiatives to engage and encourage our staff in their career development.
Mentoring Resources
One of the best ways for staff to learn more about how to navigate their work and career is to learn from other staff at CSSH and the university, both from peers and those who are further along in their careers. We currently offer one formal program to facilitate this process, the Staff Navigator program, but encourage all staff to seek mentorship informally as well.
New staff in CSSH will be matched with two Staff Navigators from other departments. The Navigators will meet with the new staff member virtually or in person during their first few weeks and serve as a resource to them during their first three months. The role of the Navigator will be to introduce the new staff member to systems and resources of which they might not be aware, as well as answer questions, and provide guidance and feedback to the new hire to enhance performance and development. They will also introduce them to people and offices that can help them be more effective.
Please see the full CSSH New Staff Navigator guidelines here as well as the Navigator and New Hire agreement Form.
The CSDI Advisory Council and the CSSH Staff Advisory Council work to further staff development within the college. Initiatives include fostering an inclusive work environment, providing resources for development, and strengthening the staff community. For more information, contact Jim Rollins at or Meghan Elliott at
Additional Staff Resources
Our staff is essential to CSSH running smoothly, and tremendously impact the experiences of our students and faculty. Each year we solicit nominations for the CSSH Outstanding Staff Award and receive many excellent nominees. Award recipients are selected by the CSSH Staff Advisory Council, and winners are celebrated at the annual spring Faculty and Staff Celebration.
View the 2022 and Previous Years Outstanding Staff Award Winners
The CSSH Staff Advisory Council is comprised of staff members from across the College to collectively represent the staff and provide input for our programming.
Council members serve two-year terms, attend monthly meetings, and are expected to volunteer for staff events, based on their availability.
Members of the Staff Advisory Council:
- Provide input into strengths and areas of opportunity for staff development at CSSH.
- Propose ideas for new development programs and promote them to their colleagues.
The CSSH Staff Team provides resources specific to work at CSSH, including internal forms, processes, and contact information for subject matter experts. To request access, email Emmie Nguyen, Manager of Human Resources Administration, at
- The Office of Institution Diversity and Inclusion offers trainings, programming and affinity groups that are open to all staff.
- Human Resource Management’s Learning and Organizational Development team offers a slate of programming each semester, both in-person and online.
- Our Human Resource Business Partner provides support and guidance to all staff. Meghan Elliott can be reached at
- The Ombuds Office offers a safe place for staff to discuss workplace issues and concerns. Ombuds Diane Levin ensures that all members of the university community are treated fairly and equitably. She can be reached at
For any questions or suggestions related to staff development at CSSH, please reach out to Emmie Nguyen, Manager of Human Resources Administration, at or Jim Rollins, Associate Dean for Administration & Finance at