
CSSH research teams of faculty, students, and staff examine a wide range of questions, using diverse methods and interdisciplinary and community partnerships. Their research addresses pressing problems of the day and traces the roots of these problems. CSSH teams are highly engaged in priority research areas including sustainability, health, security, and artificial intelligence (AI).
Arts and Humanities Social Action Lab
The Arts & Humanities for Social Action Lab at Northeastern promotes generative collaborations between grassroots community organizers and university-based arts and humanities scholar-activists, in the pursuit of new knowledge and praxis for social justice.
Boston Area Research Initiative
BARI spurs original, cutting-edge research in the greater Boston area that both advances urban scholarship and improves public policy and practice.
Brudnick Center for the Study of Violence & Conflict
The Brudnick Center seeks solutions to problems of hostility and hatred based on group differences.
Center for Atypical Language Interpreting
The Center for Atypical Language Interpreting (CALI) is addressing the growing demand for interpreters with specialized skills to serve Deaf and DeafBlind persons with atypical language.
Center for International Affairs and World Cultures
The Center for International Affairs and World Cultures draws on Northeastern University’s many strengths in the study of international institutions and processes.
Center on Crime, Race, and Justice
The mission of the Center on Crime, Race, and Justice (CRJ) is to make the criminal justice system more equitable and just for all. The four labs of CRJ position race and diversity at the forefront of research to understand how diverse communities are differentially impacted by crime, violence, and responses to crime.
Ethics Institute
The Ethics Institute brings ethical analysis and evaluation to bear on social and environmental issues, and promotes ethical reflection on contemporary challenges.
Global Resilience Institute
The Global Resilience Institute is leading a university-wide interdisciplinary effort to advance resilience-related initiatives that contribute to the security, sustainability, health, and well-being of societies.
Humanities Center
Through unique programming and research initiatives, the Humanities Center fosters collaboration and conversation on the significance of history, literature, and culture.
Institute for Health Equity and Social Justice Research
Integrated Initiative for Global Health
The Integrated Initiative for Global Health is focused on addressing the need for treatment of the world’s neglected diseases by joining together experts in science and in public policy.
Kitty & Michael Dukakis Center for Urban & Regional Policy
The Dukakis Center addresses a wide range of issues facing cities, towns, and suburbs with an emphasis on the Greater Boston region.
Network Science Institute
The Network Science Institute (NetSI) at Northeastern University is a multi-disciplinary research community supporting innovative research and training in network science.
NULab for Digital Humanities and Computational Social Science
Public Evaluation Lab (with Bouvé)
NU-PEL is an interdisciplinary lab comprised of faculty and student teams conducting evaluation research on what is/is not successful in various community programs that leads to healthier communities and enhances the lives of those living within them.
Social Impact Lab
We develop experiential learning models to support our mission of preparing students for lives of purpose as ethical and effective citizen-leaders and social change agents.
Social Science Environmental Health Research Institute (with Bouvé)
SSEHRI addresses environmental health concerns through interdisciplinary and collaborative work.