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Navigating a New Political Landscape: View real-time updates about the impact of and Northeastern's response to recent political changes.

Research Development and Administration Team

The Research Development and Administration Team provides support for all aspects of building and managing your sponsored research support including identifying sources of support, grant seeking strategy, proposal preparation assistance, proposal submission, financial oversight, award compliance, human subjects guidance, fellowship support, and corporate sponsorship of your research activities.

Research Working Group

The CSSH Research Working Group (RWG) meets quarterly to support the Associate Dean of Research and the Research Administration Team in leading the college’s research efforts; and to promote a college research climate that supports CSSH faculty and students in research.  RWG members include CSSH Center/Institute Directors as well as a faculty representative from those departments that are not reflected among our Center and Institute leadership, to serve provide connections between the RWG and each CSSH department.