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T. Anthony Jones

Headshot of Anthony Jones

Associate Professor Emeritus of Sociology and International Affairs

Anthony Jones received his undergraduate education in England before coming to the USA to do an MA at Brown and a PhD at Princeton. He has spent most of his professional life doing research on the Soviet Union and Russia, but in recent years has extended his focus to include Europe and the Mediterranean region.

His current research interests focus on issues of long-term global change and how nations and populations respond to change. He is working on a book that looks at this issue in the Mediterranean region, focusing on how countries are influenced by their “neighbors” in the region; at the forces of continuity and change in political, social, economic, and cultural life; at the ways in which security and development are influenced by regional conditions; at attempts to create regional integration; and at the environmental and population problems that affect all of the Mediterranean nations.

He is also interested in the theoretical issues of continuity and change as they relate to the notion of “neighborhood effects”, looking at how events and trends in one nation can spill over into neighboring nations. Jones is also interested in the current debate on the causes and consequences of a shift in world power from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and in how Europe and North America might adapt to this shift.

Jones is vice president and executive director of the Gorbachev Foundation of North America and is a co-founder of the Club of Madrid, serving on its Board of Directors. He has been a visiting professor at the Université de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), is a visiting researcher at the University of Versailles, a Membre d’Honneur of the Center for Mediterranean Studies at the University of Nice, an occasional speaker at the Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies in Malta, and an affiliate of the Center for European Studies at Harvard.

  • RSDF Award, Northeastern University, Spring 1990
  • Junior Leave, Northeastern University, Fall 1988.
  • National Science Foundation Grant, Technology and Society Program, 1980-82. (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill).
  • Ford Area Studies Fellowship, Princeton University, 1969-71.
  • Princeton National Fellowship, Princeton University, 1969-71.
  • University Fellowship, Brown University, 1968-69
  • “Research Agendas for the Mediterranean Region: Opportunities and Challenges”, in Cahiers de la Mediterranee, December, 2014.
  • “L’option transatlantique”, in Outre-Terre: Revue Francaise de Geopolitique, No. 31, January 2012.
  • “The 1989 Changes in Central and Eastern Europe: Lessons for the Arab Nations?”, in Stephen Calleya and Monika Wohlfeld eds, Change and Opportunities in the Emerging Mediterranean, Medac Publications, 2012.
  • “Obama [ne] Brade [pas] l’Est”, Outre-Terre: Revue Francaise de Geopolitique, December, 2010.
  • Power and Security in Northeast Asia: Shifting Strategies. (ed. with Kim Byung-Kook) Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2007.
  • The Construction of Democracy: Lessons from Practice and Research. (ed. with Jorge Dominguez) Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007.
  • Education and Society in the New Russia. (ed.) New York: M.E. Sharpe, 1994.
  • In Search of Pluralism: Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics, (ed. with C. Saivetz). Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1994.
  • KO-OPS: The Rebirth of Entrepreneurship in the Soviet Union, with W. Moskoff. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 1991.
  • The Great Market Debate in Soviet Economics, (ed. with W. Moskoff). New York: M.E. Sharpe, 1991.
  • Professions and the State: Expertise and Autonomy in Socialist Societies. (ed.) Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1991.
  • Soviet Social Problems, (ed. with W. Connor and D. Powell). Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1991.
  • Executive Director, The Gorbachev Foundation of North America
  • Board of Directors, The Club of Madrid (Spain)
  • Affiliate, Center for European Studies, Harvard University
  • Advisor and Contributor, World Political Forum (Italy)
  • Research Associate, University of Versailles