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Headshot of Bret Keeling

Teaching Professor in English

Dr. Bret L. Keeling’s research interests include modernism, gender and sexuality studies, writing studies, critical pedagogy, literary and critical theory, and service-learning. He’s published papers on H.D., Virginia Woolf, and E. M. Forster. Frequently, Dr. Keeling represents Northeastern University at national conferences, including, most recently, at CCCC (2019) and NCTE (2018). His current projects include “The Politics of Caring: Service-Learning and Reflective Practices in the First-Year Writing Class”; “Music, Musicality, and Intimacy: Performing the Immaterial in Virginia Woolf’s The Voyage Out”; “Queer Pedagogies, Open Access, and the Social Imagination”; “Virginia Woolf and Katherine Mansfield: The ‘Masculine’ and the ‘Social Imaginary.’”

  • Excellence in Teaching Award for 2013, Northeastern University (Spring 2014, Nominated)
  • Excellence in Teaching Award for 2010, Northeastern University (Spring 2011, Nominated)
  • Joan Webber Outstanding Teaching Prize, University of Washington (Spring 2000)

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Course catalog
  • Studies developments in British and (especially) American fiction in the twenty and twenty-first centuries.  Writers featured may include Toni Morrison, George Saunders, Salman Rushdie, J.M. Coetzee, Graham Greene, Chris Ware, Thomas Pynchon, Jennifer Egan.

  • First-Year Writing

    ENGW 1111

    Designed for students to study and practice writing in a workshop setting. Students read a range of texts in order to describe and evaluate the choices writers make and apply that knowledge to their own writing and explore how writing functions in a range of academic, professional, and public contexts. Offers students an opportunity to learn how to conduct research using primary and secondary sources; how to write for various purposes and audiences in multiple genres and media; and how to give and receive feedback, to revise their work, and to reflect on their growth as writers.

  • The Modern Novel

    ENGL 2380

    Studies the major British and American novelists of the twentieth century. Considers theme and form in such authors as Lawrence, Woolf, Fitzgerald, Ellison, and Hurston.