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Navigating a New Political Landscape: View real-time updates about the impact of and Northeastern's response to recent political changes.

Carmel Salhi

Associate Professor, Public Health and Health Science

Bouvé College of Health Sciences

Dr. Carmel Salhi is a social epidemiologist who utilizes qualitative methods to investigate, prevent, and mitigate the effects of violence on children and youth. His work focuses on two broad areas of violence prevention: 1) refugee’s exposure to violence, from their country of origin to their country of resettlement, and the effect it has on their mental health and well-being; 2) access to household firearms among US youth, especially in relation to suicide risk. In both domains, Dr. Salhi’s approach to understanding violence and its consequences is informed by the idea that violence is a complex, socially determined phenomenon in which the physical environment plays a critical — and often neglected — role. Dr. Salhi’s work leverages his interdisciplinary training epidemiology, anthropology, neuroscience, mathematics, biology, and history.

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  • Education

    ScD, Global Health and Population, School of Public Health, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

    MS, Population and International Health, School of Public Health, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

    BS, Biology, BA, Modern Middle East History, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

    Faculty Scholar, Institute for Health Equity and Social Justice Research

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