Professor Emeritus
1999 Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility, NorbertWeiner Award for Social Responsibility in Computing Technology (shared with everyone working in the Open Source/Free Software Movements)
1989-94 Harvard University, Visiting Scientist in Occupational Safety and Health
1973-79 Danforth Foundation, Graduate Fellowship
1966 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Karl Taylor Compton Award
Judith Perrolle. Computers and Social Change: Information, Property and Power. (Balmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1987). Web Edition, 1996, 1997, 1998. http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/perrolle/book/
Judith Perrolle. “Survelliance and Privacy in Computer Supported Cooperative Work,” in David Lyon and Ella Zureik, eds., New Technology, Surveillance and Social Control. (University of Minnesota Press, 1995). http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/perrolle/privacy.html (conference paper version)
Judith Perrolle, R.E. Anderson, D.G. Johnson, D. Gotterbam. “Using the New ACM Code of Ethnics in Decision Making.” Communications of the ACM 36.2:98-107 (1993). http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/perrolle/ethics/ACMcode.html (the ACM Code); http://portal.acm.org/ft_gateway.cfm?id=151231&type=pdf&coll=Portal&dl=ACM&CFID=48828548&CFTOKEN=51457817 (the article requires portal membership)
Judith Perrolle. “Reproduction Hazards Policy: A Model Protection Policy for the Chemical Industry,” in Dana M. Headapohl, ed., Women Workers, special issue of Occupational Medicine: State of the Art Reviews 8.4: 755-786 (October-December, 1993).
Ph.D., 1980, Sociology
Brown University -
617.373.3861 j.perrolle@northeastern.edu -
541 HO
360 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02115