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Martha Davis

Affiliated Faculty of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies; University Distinguished Professor of Law

School of Law

Professor Davis teaches Constitutional Law, US Human Rights Advocacy and Professional Responsibility. She is a faculty director for the law school’s Program on Human Rights and the Global Economy and the NuLawLab. In 2015-2016, she held the Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Human Rights and Humanitarian Law at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute (RWI), Lund University, in Lund, Sweden. She continued her work with RWI in 2017-2018, when she received a Fulbright Specialist Award, and she is now an affiliated scholar of the institute. She is also a member of the expert pool for WaterLex, a Geneva-based development organization that advocates for water and human rights. Professor Davis has written widely on human rights, women’s rights, and social justice issues.

  • Education

    AB, Harvard University, 1979
    MA, Trinity College, Oxford University, 1981
    JD, University of Chicago, 1983

  • Contact

  • Address

    35 Cargill Hall
    400 Huntington Avenue
    Boston, MA 02115