Associate Professor of Communications Studies, CAMD
Patricia Davis (Ph.D. University of California, San Diego) is a critical/cultural studies scholar whose research and teaching lies at the nexus of rhetoric and media studies. She studies public memory, identity, race, gender, and representation. Her book, “Laying Claim: African American Cultural Memory and Southern Identity” (University of Alabama Press, 2016) won the Best Book Award from the American Studies Division of the National Communication Association in 2017, and from the Critical/Cultural Studies Division of the National Communication studies Association in 2018. Her essays have appeared in The Southern Communication Journal, Text and Performance Quarterly, Rhetoric Review, and The Journal of Intercultural and International Communication, as well as a number of edited collections. She is currently working on a book foregrounding the corporeality of black women’s bodies with respect to rhetorics of respectability. She has taught courses on public memory, media ethics, race and gender in the media and popular culture, and communication and diversity.
Patricia Davis is an associate professor in the College of Arts, Media, and Design.
Ph.D., University of California at San Diego, Communication, 2009
M.A., Ohio State University, Rhetoric
B.A., Howard University, Marketing