Rashida Richardson
Assistant Professor of Law and Political Science
Rashida Richardson specializes in race, emerging technologies, and the law. Richardson researches the social and civil rights implications of data driven technologies, including artificial intelligence, and develops policy interventions and regulatory strategies regarding data driven technologies, government surveillance, racial discrimination, and the technology sector.
Her featured course is POLS 3323: Race, Inequality, and the Law.
Reidenberg-Kerr Award for Outstanding Scholarship by a Junior Scholar, Privacy Law Scholars Conference | June 2021
2021 International Strategy Forum Fellow, Schmidt Futures | April 2021
32 Innovators Who Are Building A Better Future, Wired Magazine | December 2020
Suspect Development Systems: Databasing Marginality and Enforcing Discipline, 55 University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform (forthcoming 2022) (with Amba Kak)
Racial Segregation and The Data-Driven Society: How Our Failure to Reckon with Root Causes Perpetuates Separate and Unequal Realities, 36 Berkeley Technology Law Journal (forthcoming 2022)
Defining and Demystifying Automated Decision Systems, Maryland Law Review (forthcoming 2022)
Best Practices for Government Procurement of Data-Driven Technologies (2021)
Facial Recognition in the Public Sector: The Policy Landscape (German Marshall Fund, February 2021)
Government Data Practices as Necropolitics and Racial Arithmetic, Data and Pandemic Politics, 1 (October 2020)
Confronting Black Boxes: A Shadow Report of the New York City Automated Decision System Task Force (AI Now Institute, December 2019)
Dirty Data, Bad Predictions: How Civil Rights Violations Impact Police Data, Predictive Policing Systems, and Justice, 94 N.Y.U.L. REV. 192 (2019) (with Jason Schultz & Kate Crawford
The German Marshall Fund of the United States, Washington, DC August | 2020-Present
Senior Fellow, Digital Innovation and Democracy Initiatives Open Society Foundation, Research Grant | 2020- 2021
Ford Foundation, Research Grant | 2020- 2021
Macarthur Foundation, Research Grant | Fall 2020 & Spring 2021
Annie E. Casey Foundation, Research Grant | 2020- 2021
Wesleyan University, B.A. with Honors in College of Social Studies (interdisciplinary major of Economics, Government, History and
Social Theory), May 2008
Northeastern University School of Law, J.D., May 2011 -